I regreted to follow the rule to avoid nipple confusion. I didn't feed my baby bottle until she was 1.5-2 month old. But she started to refuse bottle when she was 3-4 months old. I tried to train her to take the bottle but she just play with the rubber nipple. In the end I had to give her cippy cup. And the worst thing, she doesn't take pacifiers, which can be very useful to comfort a baby. So if I have another baby, i will give her/him bottle regularly (once a day) from the beginning.
Some baby doesn't drink a lot. My girl is 11 months old usually she drinks under 60 ml and she's never drunk more than 120ml each time. Therefore, some bottles are useful and convenient for me...actually i use cippy cup more often, bottles are just measure tools. But I know some baby can take big bottle of milk (200 ml) at one time.
Post by asdosod
另外,奶瓶不能太早用。因为如果太早用的话,奶瓶的奶流得快,宝宝不费劲就嘬得到了。吃爽了奶瓶,宝宝有可能拒绝乳房。当然也不能太晚,太晚的话他又不肯用奶瓶了。我家宝宝是1个半月才开始用的。现在给啥吃啥。 |