It's not true. the quality of voip is not only related with your internet connection but also related with the network coverage of your voip service provider. I have tried italkbb and another voip which is cik, the cik is much better than italkbb. From their web site, you will find the reason is they do have their own local phone network in Canada. That's the difference.
For 911 service, you can check the terms and conditions in italkbb web site which doesn't say anything about synchronizing customer address with 911 system. While in cik web site, they describe the service very clear.
In your case, the reason varies. It could be the phone # is already in 911 system by former owner which doesn't mean anything.
Post by netscaper;2196289
道听途说未必真!我前面说过,我打过911,接通就挂了,10分钟后警察到家!说明什么?说明我家地址已经在911数据库中。。。iTalkBB没收911费?呵呵,还没收来电显示、来电转接等费用呢,还不是完美提供了这些高级服务? |