Reminder: This is a ONCE a year sales.
Vintagemaster DELUXE Starter Kit
Top of the line for only the best home made wines. Includes:
- primary fermeter and lid,
- 23L glass carboy,
- airlock and rubber bung,
- hydrometer,
- hydromter test jar,
- bottle brush,
- long handled spoon,
- wine thief,
- bottle filter,
- 24" racking tube,
- siphon hose 6" & shut off clamp,
- double lever corker, (** most retails sell this for $2x+2 taxes **)
- chlorinated detergent 100g,
- metabisulphite (50g),
- instructional CD & instruction sheet.
In case anyone is interested in picking up at MTR, $ collection date most likely will change to Friday Aug. 21. To be confirmed.
Any question, post it here. Nice weekend! |