Post by cloudrain200;2376038 1 f* b1 M: K/ q) P, C6 i
It is great to hear the news that Quebec human right commission made its decision in favor of Chinese workers in Calgo International. However, it is not legal decision, meaning that the company can have the case judged by the court. In latter case, the company will have a case with Quebec Human Rights Commission instead of 15 Chinese workers. Since the lawyer working for the government is not best lawyer, it is difficult to imagine who will win the case. whatever the result will be, the decision made by the commission sent a clear message to employers that there is zero tolerance of any harsh or racism language in quebec.
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/ x6 R0 k) s* o0 H) P0 \2 |支持书包厂的兄弟姐妹坚持不懈,维护尊严的一切活动。 |