Because of the infulence by American Culture, it is more harder to discover your own prince or princess especially today. It's not just for women, it is also very difficult for men too to discover the true lover which even they already married for certian years. I supported two cases in Montreal resently happend which might let you balence your judgment:
One is the man married with a lady from Mainland China, and he spent a lot of money to brought her in Canada even brought her 5 years daughter from previous of marriage. The lady sworn how much she loves him, and she also recorded her own love sangs sent to him. The recult with this marriage is divoce since they lady just used him...
The lady arrived not long in Montreal, she started have affair with other man some time even front of him. Then she pretended her husband abused her, and I have to go to the jail and the court to release him since here the law is more protected for women. Today, the lady stolen a lot of money from her husband and she still went court to sue more money from him...
Another case is the couple married in China, 10 years late, the man applied as skill immigrant and he came and chose live in Montreal. Two years late, the man brought his wife live together in Montreal. And they rented 4 & half apartment and they rented one room from the apartment to an International student who is came from Mainland China too.
Not long, the wife started to have affair with the student who is 10 years younger than her husband. Then was none stopping fighten till both of them called police to arrest the husband since both of them declare the husband beaton them.
Today, the man lost a lot of money with his wife, and he still have face the criminal court which he also has to deal with his divoce case too. The reason why I let you know both stories, just because I want you understand there are some good, also some bad too, which is not necessary accusing menside or womenside.
As myself, two marriages I got in my life, I am very satisfied and I appreciated a lot since God didn't let me suffer for nothing (my personal story you may find: click of my nickname peterpan1668, then click all psot posted by peterpan1668 then you will know why I am saying that).
If you found your lover try to find another one besides of you, my suggestion is: first all, analyze yourself if you sent enough warming, cariing and loving to your lover? If you do, then you may find out if your lover just looking for boby satisfaction since by the fact awhile you both living in different countries with different culture especially for his loniness?
If that also is the truth, you may directly tell him for what he did is wrong which is totally hurt the relationship between your both; then you check if he willing to change, otherwise, the man you deal with presenly is not worse it for you to suffer; there are still lots of good gentlmens existed in this world that you should open your eyes widely to discover who is the real one you should rely on for you to spend time together to build up new future.
Good luck!
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