TENANTS BETWEEN LANDLORD 8 w9 h$ y$ q! t. u9 U
# t+ F5 T3 ?/ \! n3 j0 s
--Discuss with Stylo & Rormard - \( \2 e# Q' k! B
2 d: J( a, y- q/ Q; N8 N' X$ A7 y , p) z* r' W6 D
To Stylo & Rormard:
5 U# z2 K- ^2 D# S* F8 X$ Y2 u
/ T) U/ q5 }% a. ~. x) UPlease do not misunderstand my point. Don't think I am also one of the landlords, then I will stand here to against the tenants. There are some bad landlords and there are some bad tenants too since we are all living in this real world.
1 g6 J* l+ ]* s- q: \$ \' m9 {3 u& ~
I also was tenant when I just arrive the first a few years. As an tenant, I also met some bad landlords in the past, which the worse one was the Korean--The Korean landlord sent us a letter to increase 30% from the rental we pay for each month, we refused and we told him we agreed to increase some, but not 30%. By then he filed a complaint to Rental Board try to kick us out. With YMCA Housing Legal Clinic support, the judge from the Rental Board warn him that: Keep the same rent without increase for whatever the tenant wish to continually rent this apartment because of the reason of discrimination. + h# M) P i0 H" |8 d2 L- G
9 q$ f5 M# o1 a5 y, b8 }
But half year later, we still move out since we went Rental Board from contest was not just for money, most inportant was justice since he treated us very badly. Besides, for the long term if we already had bad relationship with landlord, how can we expecting landlord treat us equally? Then how much anergy we have to spend with him to keep fighten?
6 z8 J7 }: j8 c8 _
, V2 b$ s& O# r6 r& wAs I was a tenant, we also met some good landlords too--1991, we moved to Cote des Neidges area, one day, we found water leaking from upstaires to our walk-in clothset. We called landlord, he went to check and he let us brought all the clothes to the try cleaner store to clean each clothes, which costed $300.00 dollars; he paid bills, and he also appologized to us too.% j" w6 l2 l, b: P( R, S
1 o# B3 g- g2 T6 ]1 }Back to 1995, we bought a house, and we from tenant became a landlord--but as a landlord, we didn't make any money from the tenants since these tenants all knew how to take maxmum advantages from the rental law since the Rental Board and most community organizations are stand tenant side:4 A; Q3 X, r1 Z, @9 n3 _- n
1 M7 ]3 F6 z, j. Z, V- d. h/ D8 W
June 1995 when we took over the house, there was a tenant still remain in the house and he wish to continue rent the aprtment without increasing. We agreed with him although the time the avarage rental cost in this area was $850 per months which he was just paying $550 per month. One year late, he just renewed his lease, but he decided to move out remain $1,100 rental balence;
! e* o% T; Z4 X1 \- ^. |
, N" X/ N) M' F) c& }% v* ^2 n- xThe second one moved in August 1996, we still keep the same rental and increased $10 per month from July 1997 since he broken the stove that I have to replace the new one for him. Went to the come increasing month of 1997, he told me that he has to move out since he got a job in Toronto--he left the certain damages in my house and he cutted my trees front and back yard without my permission.- S+ S! ~9 x* m9 N" y
9 \+ b5 Q) o% m* l' J
After empatied a few months, then the Italy guy rented my house--he was okay from began, but a few months later he started having trouble to pay off his rent. I went to Rental Board many times try to solve off this problem especially he was using my house to sell trug to the street which brought attention from whole neighborhood, it was involved with media and police.- h$ r4 S& W- v' [
" j8 O' D: F5 r J' W: aBut with the weakness of the rental law, I have to spent a fortune to kick him out. Then one after the others, we all losing money with them since most of them tried their all knowledges to let me pay off all kind bills, done the repaires, gain free rent months for renovation reasons even we just done it resently.
# g3 F; t* w4 x3 ^
8 Z* m2 f4 ?- l* D3 D5 a5 @I almost gave up with the house, then finally had a Greek family rented our house. I appreciated since seemly they are reasonable people who understand our point as we are the landlord. I treated them as part of my family, I aften cooked the food for them, also invited them dinning in the restaurant, then some time they also sent some food to us.
9 k H0 X( n4 x0 Z' Q0 J3 v7 F4 s1 K/ d
* A) T5 s; }% M: TThey requested to redo the renovation for the apartment even I just resently renovated. They claimed the way of renovation done was not professional, they want me cover for the materials and they will pay the labours since they are professional for construction.
# ?/ T N+ N0 z* Q# }+ s- X6 ~; |4 W7 y' x' v
I believed them, and I bought all the materials ans they requested, I even keep the same rent for them as 5 years ago which was $550 per month. But since I never done the renovate by my own, so I never realized that the materials they got from me even able to renovate 6 apartment!
3 c( u; V7 V5 D
/ F% I6 W' {8 H- D! M* kMore over, to the come year before three months, I mentioned to them the rental will increasing $10 per month since we did a lot of renovation in the apartment especially we just rebuilt up the whole roof for the house. They were complaining the mother is living on welfare, and the son just cut down the working hours since the company he was working for don't have enough jobs for its employees.
$ T% Y- r& K) u% L
3 Z: D* u. i4 [3 z6 {1 sI undersandable and I told them we would try to help them, so the increasing would keep for two year after for $20 per month instead increasing $10 in this year. Supprisingly they both playing the game to make sure to pass the limitied notice of increasing period; then they both sent a letter to us to declare that it's too late to increasing in this year, which is too early to notice incresing for next year...
% G) ], @* S6 K" {/ N E- N: S& N1 c# g5 c: O9 |
Furthermore, they went to Rental Board to claim their damages and they pretended we had a verbor agreement for three months free rent to cover their labours, which also suing $8,000 for emotional suffering cost! I never thought we will lost this case since I have all the prove for their nounsence claim. For the hearing date, I brought all the proofs to show from of the court; but the judge although realized the tenants ware playing a game; but since they all knew how to take advantages from the rental law, the judge still asked us to pay them $290 in order to let them move out from our house...9 b' R/ q9 L$ i- `- O2 a: H
1 i; H" Z3 d6 B* H- J: O3 ?
From that moment, I changed way to find my tenant, thanks God from that day up to today, I never get major problem with my tenants since I checked very carefully before sign a lease with them.
* p3 I' i' `4 \' b% m
9 O0 \: p6 K, Y/ j6 k% d5 iThe reason I let youn both learn that, since you all Chinese same like me, and in some day propably you will be the landlord as same like one of us--Chinese landlord. By then you wouls look at these problems more nuturely, and more fairly.
4 s- ~$ K* ^/ D% ]
& O# \* N9 g5 [% q2 j0 P6 AOne of importamnt thing I lik to say, as I am one of those Chinese Landlords, you know why I refused to become th president of Montreal Chinese Landlord Association instead I am putting my fully anergy to reform 华人互助联盟 Ucma, and I am spending lot of time to help the others from our Chinese society here, if you read the post of 华人互助联盟 Ucma, and read all the post poted by peterpan1668, you might undertand why.# M( e2 L: w5 P) d* A% ]
) r: x+ i+ L6 q, r4 pGood luck for both of you build up new life in this country!7 g Q/ D5 y/ W+ D5 c# d- q
5 [. U6 Z% _: s
If you need any help and you might believe I or 华人互助联盟 Ucma able to support you, free free to contact us: [email="mutualaid@canada.com"]mutualaid@canada.com[/email] or phone 514 524-0780 ask for Peter. Here is website of 华人互助联盟 Ucma: www.ucma.netfirms.com
' d1 H% C4 n8 U% ^4 T' {% g
9 T3 u; \3 H( v @7 c1 N; } XRornard哇,楼下这位PetterPan可真比我还热心快肠呀,难得见到!如果华人圈里有四分之一的人都如此肯互助,那可就是没人敢欺负我们了!
3 m. O( Q7 a( h3 j/ t& g1 b/ x* ] o# L- T$ E6 b
stylo我不同意楼下peterpan1668的说法,我们租住房子,主要考虑的是房子本身的情况和其他诸如环境,交通等便利,不能因为房东不好就搬家,搬完了再碰上一个恶房东怎么办?再搬吗?谁折腾的起。0 k3 g1 t* g$ S$ T/ ]7 V% Q
, l+ [7 ?. F6 \' tQuote:. B$ d: V+ ~8 T, z5 ~# D$ P7 Z
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Originally Posted by Rornard& \' Q8 @/ L# ^+ l$ }4 z& L
Z* i# _6 z. X嗨,接着,送你一条大胖鱼,Stilo!说得好!5 F1 j( W6 F$ u
) p! T- e6 E7 R g' U, [2 X. l" E* m! [
另外,还有一种乐趣你在哪里都体验不到,那就是看房东打输了后在楼底下大叫大嚷,扬言威胁楼里的房客们,捶胸顿足猛砸自己的宝马车顶,你则乐合合站在阳台上,然后看那极会做戏的中东人Janitor表演讨好主子的哈巴狗狂吠, 过瘾咧!# J. @. j3 F2 ]( ?4 w
: m1 M4 d% \) N8 a: F$ I! C
西方文化中的这句话极富威摄力:Please do govern yourself accordingly, ) f3 A& A" X, t( b' @2 Z6 Z9 F/ w
这句话翻译成中文为:请你检点你的行为,务必好自为之。该话在西方文化中为决斗前语,其隐含潜台词为: 否则....别怪我没有事先警告过!生死搏斗即将开幕,法庭之战无法避免。心虚理亏的中国房东见你这玩命的架式,一般就吓得屁股尿流了。$ M5 o* G; ?" D
9 D; M$ g3 I/ I; |4 y此语献给所有持强凌辱同胞的中国房东们,以自勉!(对不起,老外看不懂这字,只好献给....了,绝对无歧视之嫌疑)。 洁身自好,通情达理的房东们当然不在内了。4 h8 y6 t6 X3 E0 z) k& ^9 P, e
</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> |