Agree to your points!
Post by dadoun;2594080
阿福济, 转贴这一篇大失你的水准呐!:cool:
这女人自作自受!说她"活该"显得俺有点太残忍,:rolleyes: , 毕竟她已经受到了生活的惩罚,不能再骂了!
题目完全瞎搭界,她精神分裂不是因为跨国婚姻而是因为眼力劲儿不行,人钱两空。 结论更是牵强可笑。
I agree to all your points! I find that the story is quite amusing though!!! Typical up-righteous-Chinese-lesson-teaching story! 有道是:there are things that we know, and there are things that we do not know. Among the things that we do not know, there are things that we do not know that we do not know!!!! Scary truth ( about people like the story teller), yet amusing story with its moral! |