谢谢COOLJEANS。今天依约到北区面谈,原本以为可以排班了,没想到只是资料录入,9月份还有一个APPOINTMENT。估计能排上10月份的FULL-TIME班就算走运了。移民官给了我一张清单,让我TAKE THE PART-TIME COURSE FIRST。但打了一轮电话之后,才发现从7月12日开始的暑期班已经满额,最快也要等到9月份的session。
1. Does the appointment in Sep. means I can get a full-time place in the october class?
2. Should I take the part-time course first? What if I can't get in or just waiting for the full time ones?
3. If I take the Sep part-time course, there will be a conflict with the Oct full-time one. What should I do?