Marianopolis Young Leaders Organization (MYLO-DECA) 邀请您参加第三届Leadership Development Evening. 届时,众多的商业精英及Marianopolis校友将与您分享他们的经历经验和成功秘诀.
演讲嘉宾包括 Daniel W. Thompson 先生, 加拿大老牌金融投资公司MacDougall, MacDougall & MacTier的总裁, Marianopolis校友; Rosanna Tomiuk女士, 加拿大water-polo队队员,entrepreneur,创作型歌手; Bruno Delorme先生, Marianopolis 商科老师, Business Development Bank of Canada 的顾问; Gina Bento女士, 美国驻蒙特利尔领事馆国际贸易顾问,Marianopolis校友; Joanne Wong女士, Cisco加拿大的Networking Academy 经理,Marianopolis 校友.
时间:4月12日,4:30 - 8:00 PM
地点: Marianopolis College 大礼堂
4873 Westmount Avenue, H3Y 1X9 (地铁Vendôme或者Villa-Maria)
咨询或者报名(亦可现场报名): 请email [EMAIL="2011.lde@gmail.com"]2011.lde@gmail.com[/EMAIL]
或者浏览我们的facebook网页: http://www.facebook.com/#!/event.php?eid=138060476264956
Marianopolis Young Leaders Organization (MYLO-DECA) is organizing its annual Leadership Development Evening on April 12th, 4:30 pm - 8 pm, at the auditorium. The event is free of charge and all are welcomed. Keynote speaker features Mr. Daniel W. Thompson, President and CEO of MacDougall, MacDougall & MacTier, one of the oldest and leading Canadian investment firms. As the evening’s keynote speaker, he will share his experiences and give you insights on what it takes to succeed not only in business, but in life.The conference is an excellent opportunity for students to explore different career paths and meet with successful Marianopolis graduates.
Get up close and personal with our alumni who tell you what it’s really like to start your own business, work for a big law firm, be a manager in a multinational or work for a foreign government promoting international trade. They’ll share tips on what it takes to get where you want to go. |