Post by Alexandra
to 白色谎言:即使成了祥林嫂,还是要再谢你的热心。今天我收到officer回的email了,其中内容有和你说的相同之处,“In order for an admissions officer to make a decision on a file they need to have enough academic information. Otherwise, they make a request for information. There was enough information on your transcript for the Admissions officer to evaluate your file. Your file was refused because you were missing the proper academic prerequisite to the program.”我又糊涂了,我申请的是本科啊,难道读本科前也需要先修相关课程?还有,从email看,他们是收到我的成绩单了,但为什么网上没有显示呢?一头雾水。
to azngrl:我申请的专业一个是psychology-被拒;另一个education,要求我补充的requirement除了英语成绩以外,还有summary of activities from mar 02 to Aug 04.