正在给老婆办理境内团聚移民, 根据移民局今年7月后的新规定, 境内夫妻团聚移民申请(递到Alberta的)需要填一张新表,
Generic Application Form for Canada(IMM0008)
由申请人(老婆)填写. 从这里下载:
http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/inf ... 5289ETOC.asp#5289E4
其中有几项感觉莫名其妙, 不知道该怎么填.
4) Immigration office requested for the processing of your application?
申请说明里面说这个Immigration Office是目前申请人所在国家对应的Immigration Office:
Indicate the name of the Immigration Office which serves:
your country of nationality, or
the country in which you are residing, provided that you have been lawfully admitted to that country for at least one year.
因为是境内申请, 对应Canada的office查到的是Buffalo. 但是我们连CSQ都还没有申请, 怎么会是由Buffalo审理呢? 如果不是, 这个office应该填什么机构呢? 难道是填Case Processing Centre in Vegreville (CPC-V) 或者 Ministere de l'Immigration et des Communautes (MICC)么?
7) a) Have you received your CSQ? If yes, when? If no, when did you apply?
如上所说, 老婆是初申请, 肯定是没有CSQ的, 这上面岂不是有点像是给技术移民申了CSQ准备继续申联邦的问题么? 我们的情况应该怎么填呢?
请指教!! 多谢!! |