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发表于 2004-5-27 08:28 | 只看该作者

enjoy in tennis

I totally agree with Antoine that the most enjoyable thing in tennis playing is your improvement(physically, mentally, emotionally, technically, tactically, strategically... a lot more), and there is no end to the improvement.  when you play game, if you pass a level, you immediately go for the next higher level, if you pass all the level, then you won't play that game any more, there is no challenge on you, and you don't need improve much any more.  your opponent in the tennis game is the same, you always want him/her higher than you, or you always want enough challenge from your opponent, you never feel very happy for beating a beginner(unless you win big money by that victory, you will get very happy and excited if you beat a player you never beat before(you have a break through).  if you feel your 100% effort(performance) is not enough to beat a player , then you have to try 110% effort(I assume you improve 10% in this case), if still not enough, then 20%, 30% more....., if one day, your opponent still play the same high level tennis, and you beat him/her, then that means you really improve(or improve enough for beating him/her).  so real good competition is cooperation between two opponents(actually prefer using "partners"), both players must be honest, or give each other all the problem they can give to let opponent solve(improve), give enough challenge to each other to make them better and tougher(physically and mentally tougher).
same as in school learning, the exam mark(tennis game result) is the only the test or mark on how much you learn(how high performance your can play ),  for 1+1 = 2 question(play with beginner), you get 100% mark(extremely easy win), but  if you play with Agassi, you can not win single game even you try 200%(even you break your arms or legs or lose all the energy or water in your body), so we should not pay more attention to who we beat, who we lose to, but how much we enjoy our playing, performance, improvement, how much fun we get in our game(sorry winning always has more fun in losing although you learn more from losing than winning), you win you improve(learn), you lose you even improve(learn) more. just in montreal, I can beat a lot of players for sure, but at the same time, there are tons of players can beat me too. if a player consistently beat me, I will like consistently play with him/her, the only thing I feel bad is if I can not give him/her enough challenge to push him/her to go to higher level, in this case I am not good partner, since I get more than I give.

talk to you later.
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发表于 2004-5-27 10:05 | 只看该作者

tennis, more tennis

when you just rally, if you hit a great shot in 10 tries, you feel so cool from the great shot; when you play game, you hit 10 good shots but not win a point yet, only one bad shot make you lose a point, and you feel so bad, that's the difference between the rally and playing game on testing how your shot look like, so play game as much as possible to let it stand real test.

when you play a lower level player, your favorite forehand shot give you a lot of winners, but when you play against a much higher level player, suddenly you feel your shot get broken, instead of giving you a lot winner, it give you a lot of errors, in stead of killing your opponent, it perfectly set up for you to get killed, it means you need get better, realistic picture of your weapon, so go around to find better player to make your shot improve.

my plan:

create a website;
create a chinese tennis player club(not exclude other player);
create a player profile database(you manage your own profile), and easy to search;
rank all the players(sorry not by what you say, but by the performance in the tennis action we have), so it's easy to find your own level player;
hopefully, you will see these in half a year.
provide more tennis info:  free court(map for the postion), cheap tennis clubs or special membership, tennis tournament in montreal, tennis equepment and store with good discount , demo(you can try for some days etc.);
provide more comunication media;
provide media for player trade equepment, info etc.
etc. etc. whatever is good or helpful to tennis lovers.
welcome all new ideas.

but first, start the action: find all the good free courts in montreal, post it here, routine play tennis somewhere, and start to play game for putting you in the correct position in the list, but if more than 6 players, we need arrange two places.
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发表于 2004-6-14 02:04 | 只看该作者
"I am Edy, planning to make a tennis party on June 19 and 26. Please come and enjoy your good time. .
tennis 球迷 party 安排基本如下:
一, 下周六(六月19日)12点至3点之间,请所有感兴趣的球友来monk球场聚会一下。
我草拟的办法如下,如果大家有什么不同意见,欢迎提出来。发贴,email, 或者当天直接说
1。 本定级“赛“是本着为初学者定级的目的,以相互提高为宗旨,采用回合制和胜负制结合
2。 1级:打小场(发球区)对打5回合以下者。
3。 本定级“赛“制定到5级,5级以上者请相互独自约时间,另行较量。如需进一步订级,将
二, 6月26日上午继续或者正式定级,下午烧烤


(monk 球场于monk地铁站出口,沿Rue Allard向西行两三个路口,左手边一个大教堂的背后。)

June 12, 2004"

The invitation extended to all tennis fans. Let's enjoy the summer of Montreal.
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发表于 2004-6-14 10:20 | 只看该作者

so exciting

I'm so delight to hear that.   Since i came Montreal last year , i have never play tennis .That's really a little pity .But now it's different .Unfortunately ,i have no racket until now ,so can i go play with u  ? Although i am a beginner , yet i am interested in  many other kinds of other sports   ,like basketball ,bowling. and have more feeling on those things.I really want to be a membership  
please contact me  :z_di_1117@hotmail.com
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发表于 2004-6-14 22:05 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2006-3-22 21:10 | 只看该作者

浮一浮, 蒙城华人网的百年老帖

不知 Knight and Richard 还好吗?股票文凭拿到了吧? 抱闺女的感觉好幸福吧?  蛋泥在温莎的日子是否甜蜜呢
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发表于 2006-3-23 22:40 | 只看该作者

Richard enjoys very much the new life.

Post by DL
不知 Knight and Richard 还好吗?股票文凭拿到了吧? 抱闺女的感觉好幸福吧?  蛋泥在温莎的日子是否甜蜜呢

Bro, where are you recently?

I am still playing tennis every week. Got new buddies, playing game every Sunday night at Jerry park.

Can`t wait for the summer.

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发表于 2006-3-24 21:32 | 只看该作者

i am in calgary

have not played for half year, busy. sometimes if you come here let's play together again.

btw, how many 马甲s do you have?
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发表于 2006-8-22 10:30 | 只看该作者


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