如果,你想學法文,我可以幫你們。我從小學到college是去讀法文學校。現在是Concordia學生。我知道你們想學法文因為想移民。我不是一個轉業人士。請你們說出你的問題在我的 email,讓我有時間準備。如果太難的問題,我可能不可以幫你的。我盡量幫你。我說廣東話,英文還國語。我的國語水平是 intermediate。如果你跟我說國語,我只明白 40%-50%,所以我喜歡用英語還是廣東話教法文。我的價錢是 (30min) 10$ and (60min) 20$. We can meet somewhere near metro so I can teach you.
Post by xDTx;3335201
如果,你想學法文,我可以幫你們。我從小學到college是去讀法文學校。現在是Concordia學生。我知道你們想學法文因為想移民。我不是一個轉業人士。請你們說出你的問題在我的 email,讓我有時間準備。如果太難的問題,我可能不可以幫你的。我盡量幫你。我說廣東話,英文還國語。我的國語水平是 intermediate。如果你跟我說國語,我只明白 40%-50%,所以我喜歡用英語還是廣東話教法文。我的價錢是 (30min) 10$ and (60min) 20$. We can meet somewhere near metro so I can teach you.
I don't negotiate the rate since it is not simple to teach French. You need to tell me what is your current level of French and the things you want to learn since I need to prepare for it.If you don't know yet, I can teach you the things I know based on your level of French. Remember I am not a professional so everybody can make mistakes. Learning French is for yourself so better learn French with a good tutor. Place to meet are: Coffee shop, any universities or college near metro. Basically place that we don't use too much money because it i will be useless if I spend the money I earn right away.