Garage Selling
时间: 上午9:00am-下午3:00pm
地点: 509 Av.Claremont 后院
Westmount, QC H3Y2N6
我们几家在509 Av.Claremont 后院摆摊garage selling, 林林总总有很多东西,希望大家有空来看看[抱拳][抱拳]
Lots of items below:
Playstation 3 with 4 games - Ladies, Kids & Men’s cloths, Hats, Ladies winter coats, ladies shoes & boots, men’s boots, golf suitcase, suitcases, purses, women’s skates, garden hose, garden edging, 2 Single Wood Headboards & bed frames, Outdoor Lounge recliner, love seat, wooden bench, lamps, X-mas decorations, kids bicycle, large indoor/ outdoor rug, sofa table, Vintage & Antique goods. Household. Plus many more items.