Do not worry about it. The same situation to me a few months ago. After my engine light turned off, nothing happened to me for several months. Since the car is older, some sensors are not much more sensitive, no problem. Some garage causes lots of problem after their checking your car. No problem hapens to your car, do not need to fix your car. Think about it. Do not feel afraid of it. Good luck.
Post by xlq
:confused: :confused: :confused: 今秋在高速路上发动机CHECK灯亮了一回,MECHANNIC 查完说是TRANSMISSION SLIPPING,同时关掉了CHECK 等,并且说以后上高速还会再亮,而且有可能车就会不能动了。吓得我好长时间不敢再上高速公路。最近,我斗胆上了高速,CHECK LINGHT 没有再亮,而且一星期都无事。但好景不长,一周前,CHECK LIGHT 又亮了,这是我意料中的事情。奇怪的是,在跑了几回高速时,这个等竟然自动熄灭了。我不知道是问题严重了,还是故障自动排除了。请高手指点迷津,多谢。 |