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看紧你的钱包! Concordia library里被人掏空了钱包

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发表于 2005-1-20 16:26 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
今天我第二次发现在Concordia library里被人掏空了钱包。
发表于 2005-1-21 02:50 | 只看该作者
同情中,:rolleyes: ,不过图书馆里到处都贴着防盗的提示还这么不小心
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发表于 2005-1-21 23:08 | 只看该作者
You should sit on the 4th floor, the place that has a lot of big tables and windows. There has more people in that area, and the thief wouldn't do anything in those area. Beacause there's more chance to allow people to catch him.
Beside, next time when you have to leave your place to go to bathroom or anything else, just try to find some chinese to watch your stuff for a minute. I always beleive that chinese people should help each other.
Anyway, good luck for next time!!  ^_^
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发表于 2005-1-22 12:01 | 只看该作者


Post by Pingster
You should sit on the 4th floor, the place that has a lot of big tables and windows. There has more people in that area, and the thief wouldn't do anything in those area. Beacause there's more chance to allow people to catch him.
Beside, next time when you have to leave your place to go to bathroom or anything else, just try to find some chinese to watch your stuff for a minute. I always beleive that chinese people should help each other.
Anyway, good luck for next time!! ^_^
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