On what Date should Heating Begin?
, O+ T4 @ F' ]' l# `No specific date on which heating must begin is laid down in the law governing rental housing, nor under most municipal by-laws. An arbitrary choice of date would not reflect the reality of the Québec climate, where it can freeze in May and be hot in March. 1 R: t8 {& _4 g0 F6 ^& R6 {/ L; S
0 K, t6 T. U5 u" a. ^( ZHowever, the landlord is legally required to ensure that his tenant enjoys an adequate ambient temperature, whatever the time of year. This responsibility comes from the landlord's obligation to maintain the dwelling in good condition enabling it to serve the purposes for which it is rented and to maintain the dwelling in good habitable condition.
+ W: E4 M/ k4 D1 e( o# L7 C9 M7 ^* ^
7 t. \9 L+ z* P0 m- Y% C1 k* z8 Y sTherefore, a clause in the lease specifying a date on which the landlord will turn on the heat may be without effect because whether or not the dwelling requires heating depends on the temperature indoors. 8 V' T$ @ ]; F
# M4 X9 n+ s* F* P/ @) k" V
At what Level should the Temperature be Kept? 0 ?* s/ z) B7 U* G. O
Though neither the law nor most municipal by-laws are specific in this area, it is generally accepted that, under normal conditions, interior apartment temperatures should run around 21oC (70oF). ) J( p& z2 ]6 i* ~0 E, O3 }; W2 N
/ e" F" G/ {6 |+ j, ?+ cFor his part, the tenant will be carefull not to overheat the dwelling or action may be taken against him at the Régie du logement. % L8 f7 X' ^, B* f# y
8 t$ R7 ^& `' i6 O. z9 o6 _How to Talk it Over with the Landlord / i; c4 q! l8 b
If the tenant has a heating problem, he should make sure he has enough solid evidence, supported by witnesses, if possible, to show the landlord that steps to correct the situation must be taken immediatly. - i( J- W. j" o/ x6 p3 q( W
) k) G/ ~* V8 l8 y
For example, the tenant can record indoor and outdoor temperature readings at predetermined times over a period of days. / {) I% J/ M8 D. N6 i4 w) S* A
% G3 b$ j( x* @. j2 x# e2 |The temperature indoors should be recorded in the centre of each room one metre from the floor. |