I think you can. But wait minutes... I also think it would be better to tell your wife about what you talked (with your GF). First, your wife will be happy for your respect, and second, you might find some topic with both your wife and GF. But remember, your GF is only the 红粉知己, not lover. Otherwise, it will be big trouble, either for your family or GF.
Everything has two faces: good or bad, happiness or sadness... It depands on what you want and what you will do. RESPECT is the most important. Respect yourself and respect anyone you meet.
Post by 不知道
我已经结婚2年多了,我深爱着我的妻子。我们俩的性格是互补行的,她开朗活泼,吃吃喝喝是她的最爱,我也可以随着她吃吃喝喝,跟朋友打牌,蹦 迪........ 但是我的性格我深沉一些,有些时候特别想找另外一个特有思想女孩聊天,因为有些话题我和我妻子沟通不了,我觉的寂寞。可是男孩子该不该找个红粉知己呢?怎 么找呢? |