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发表于 2005-4-17 12:46 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
) K7 s% h( B1 k7 \5 e' S& Y0 N) P6 l/ n8 G6 s: q
$ ]* a4 y9 W& Q/ e. a$ |
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有意者请在我校网上注册系统预约考试8 Y8 Z! W+ G# F' d/ M5 q. T
http://www.tyark.com/coursepower/public/class/index.cfm?CourseID=51+ d) F9 x3 e3 G1 y3 F% p  b: m; x

6 S+ J- x% b0 v2 `  D* y' z( H# @9 e6 i. u2 {

# M4 L1 z7 C5 `+ d
) d. a9 @7 L- o3 |- D1 r* Minimum Education Level:3rd year in university
) a! G) l/ U* }6 R7 I0 ^$ D6 X" @8 m7 O" Z( H! b
We are recruiting students to participate in a pilot study for the new GRE Redesign Verbal Assessment.% m% c7 r8 y, F: X' L7 ]
) I, v* `0 t. R
1.Every student that completes the test will receive $35 in 4-6 week
- J6 T3 M# Y9 z0 F9 t: D4 A  V# E+ p( G$ N
2.Two hour and half ETS computer-based test   o4 h: x  O& U4 m" l  I  F

. O9 m8 v0 w) s! `3.March 16-May 6, 2005
. \0 W; f1 o8 ?$ o0 u* p+ ?/ G+ ~7 n
4.No scores reported back to you or your school  ~+ s) Z, E& V, F1 t6 t

( e/ T" \3 K& BN.B.# x7 a- }: v  W- H: H
If you don't receive any email after you register for this field study, mostly because your mail server blocks emails sent by our system (Email boxes at mail.mcgill.ca or mcgill.ca cannot receive our email currently), please change your email address in your account.
+ j9 L% l8 `$ Y$ `5 H- Y+ s0 R  t
# R9 g' G0 p3 X9 [5 \. X. h/ K. f! ACourse Description Educational Testing Service (ETS) conducts numerous research and field studies on behalf of its clients. These studies are conducted with the assistance of staff from institutional organizations disbursed throughout the world. 6 u3 [3 K, O: F- E) ]. W* y( t
: o# V0 {* X2 W8 Z7 o
The Graduate Record Examination® (GRE&reg is used by institutions of higher education to determine the ability of prospective students to function at the graduate level. ETS is currently working with the GRE Board to redesign this test; and in order to ensure quality and fairness, we are conducting a field study using the new GRE Redesign. We are recruiting staff at colleges and universities to administer this field study.
" {3 s* @/ F$ ~- r6 I6 X" h+ E0 q0 q- M$ ]
Description of the Study
9 e8 M  V* j! T6 H( T/ D2 K% B, X0 g- B# `, h
This study requires recruiting students to take the verbal sections of the GRE®. The sections will be administered via computer and require that each computer have Internet access during the 2 ½ hours of testing time. The testing window for this study is March 16-May 6, 2005. Students will not receive score reports nor can the scores be used for admittance to Graduate School. ! S' g$ F" j( A/ _

; W4 `8 d+ S! h) d; M" \<TABLE width="81%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD noWrap width="78%" height=21>凯亚学院 5 d; T5 f/ \5 J; [" ?  @, H
$ D3 q% C+ T  n" s- M* j; u
4 I: R  d2 o  w% t

" W+ n4 s( j& h1 j* ]2155 Guy Street, Suite 1230/ j" W8 j: _9 s/ ?' S9 j
Montreal, Quebec! |7 g; n  D7 j  k1 u, @0 J
H3H 2R9, Canada! \3 f, h1 T/ L5 w, n: Y
(近地铁 Guy-Concordia)2 J) h5 o2 e  ?( `/ {1 J/ t
电话: (514) 747- 2161-111: g' n4 G8 C! e# O$ ~
1-888-OK-TYARK(658-9275) ' P! ^1 o1 k' p& o) E
传真: (514) 227-5303
3 ^  m4 W& q; [$ u$ p% m* H电邮: [email="info@tyark.com"]info@tyark.com [/email]

9 i4 ?' c( c% f* x9 N5 x( k2 J. [) V( F( X9 J$ k7 O; h  [2 G) ?

6 D) ^& L( n$ `8 i9 L6 y+ g</TD><TD noWrap width=0% rowSpan=3></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- / message -->
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