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我们这样做值得吗? 来加拿大生孩子

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发表于 2003-9-28 22:34 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
我们是在1999年12月通过移民公司开始申请。那时候我们刚结婚,事业也刚开始发展。一腔热情,向往新的世界。然后是漫长的等待,直到今年三月初,才体检。又是等待。我今年已30岁了,去年还做了子宫肌瘤提出手术。 我不能再拖延要孩子了。所以我在六月初怀孕了,预产期是明年二月。
4 h( T0 M2 Q5 v: F) d我们的签证通知在上个星期终于出来了。但我们并不兴奋。我们这几年都发展得不错,买了房子,正准备买车子。对先生来说,出去已没有很大意义了。可是这几年来, 为了达成目标,我们花了不少精力和金钱,要我把努力的结果就这样放弃,实在不甘。我和先生商量, 元旦的时候他送我过去,到蒙市的亲戚家待产,生完孩子后再回来。我一共有6个月假期,也够了。他只要在我省的时候过来陪月子就行了。
, n! H- t% p" p可我们这样做值不值得呢?我总说即使大人放弃了,小孩也还有选择的权利。他将来是不是会有选择作家国公民的权利呢?我一个人在加生孩子,辛苦不用说,烦劳亲戚不说,经济上还要付出不少:机票费,产前检查费用 和其他政府不负担的费用(我不可能在生之前拿到SIN卡)。更重要的事,孩子带回国要办寄养证。 如果以后先生真的放弃定居的权利,每年还要为孩子的证件操心。。。我们这样做值得吗?希望各位大侠指教。不甚感谢。
- j! x- Q* R6 u4 ?* Q$ w 2 g* d& W, L9 @# c
<small>[ 09-29-2003, 22:02: Message edited by: Moderator4 ]</small>
发表于 2003-9-28 23:06 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2003-9-28 23:55 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2003-9-29 00:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2003-9-29 20:51 | 只看该作者
没有必要冒这么大的风险到CANADA 来生孩子。
3 N3 u. a/ q% a5 G2 N世界变化的这么快,待你的孩子长大后,他(她)也许可以自由的去任何他(她)想去的国家。
8 {& R) X& ^( I! O8 b" T- h2 N1 V另外,如果国内有满意的工作,在没有找到在CANADA的新工作前,轻易不要放弃国内的工作。
) [& J' R0 q: ?0 r8 f, m' e: K仅供参考
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发表于 2003-10-1 17:55 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2003-10-2 21:34 | 只看该作者
太谢谢各位的高见了。我们还在犹豫中,希望能尽快决定下来。鱼与熊掌,不能兼得的, 我也知道。。。
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发表于 2003-10-3 09:20 | 只看该作者
I have a daughter named TRACEY.  I like the name very much.  : a! e' P5 M1 Q8 z" V0 @* S
$ B2 D6 s( Y$ c2 G# J* M7 x1 U
My husband and I moved to Canada three years ago, giving up all we had in China, good salaries and house, leaving our beloved parents and friends.  It's really an important decision and a changing spot in our life.  No one forced us, we chose this way, though sometimes I question myself if it's worth.9 w6 q$ E; K. s4 A3 h9 E% Y5 D2 P) e
, U3 j5 P1 m$ s8 H; h/ P
I guess I would have been regret if I hadn't come to Canada.  We are still young, we can start from the beginning if this is not what we want.  We don't live a luxury life as we did in China, but we learn to adjust ourselves so as to love this place.  The longer time we live here, the more we like.  But I wouldn't say I would never go back to China (for long term purpose).
8 e$ C, X' X4 s4 U0 l6 k5 t3 i. n3 F
Because of totally different life style in two countries, we decided to have a child in our family after we settled in.  We discussed a lot on naming the child and the way we should bring up the child.  Luckly, we went through everything smoothly.  My emotional period is gone, now I enjoy very much the accompany of my daughter.  I should say it is easy for me because my husband and I find the way to sooth problem together.  It's important to every wife and young mother, therefore I am happy we chose to settle in Canada.  While in China, we were too busy with business and work, almost no time for family.  Personally, I wouldn't choose to stay alone far from close family members.  I had experienced the loneliness while I studied in another country.  Let alone matters concerning child birth and child care.% m$ |6 J* x/ v* e

. ?2 P3 z* x& m' eMy daughter is almost two years old now.  She is a healthy and happy girl, smart and outgoing.  She stays in a friendly warm homecare and enjoys playing with other kids.  All our friends and relatives love her a lot, but we never let her live in an overwhelming love environment.  It's the way a child should learn to respect others' needs.
0 C* P4 j& g: U. B; Y/ d( y/ u' b2 X2 Y+ V, t0 H& ^
My point is we should choose the best and happiest life so that we won't regret our choice when we get older and older.
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发表于 2003-10-3 10:35 | 只看该作者
7 `& I4 v9 Y8 v( P# |不甘心.
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发表于 2003-10-3 10:51 | 只看该作者
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