本人为2002届本科毕业生,浙江大学,专业History,现在中国,想申请Mcgill U的Master。有几个问题,希望过来人或是高手们帮忙解答一下:1.Mcgill的History专业师资和研究力量如何? 2.毕业后在魁省或其他省好找工作吗(比如说教师)? 3.要是很难找的话,在Mcgill里转系的可能性大吗? 4.我大学所有课的平均分是75,专业课80多,换算成加拿大的GPA是多少?够吗? 5.Mcgill申请表上说有两种Master,分别是两年的Master by course and thesis和三年的Master by course and research essay,哪一个比较好?——小弟刚开始申请,还有很多事不明白,各位前辈能教教我吗?这里先谢过了!!!
Thanks for your help,everybody. Although someone think that it seems hard to keep to the straight and narrow in abroad especially to a Chinese,in the long run it can only hurt ourself. So,I will try to apply Mcgill University with my own ablity to obtain my dream. Stop worrying and take heart. And then,I will have to put on my thinking cap to write a good Personal Statement and others. Montreal is a beautiful north America city,hope to meet you. Thanks a lot!