The MMM program is entirely self-funded, without the benefit of government subsidies. Tuition for the entire program is C$25,000 for all students, Canadian and International. Fees are paid per session according to the number of credits a student is taking. Courses are either two or three credits. One credit is approximately C$450.
In addition there are student fees: an approximate total of C$2000 for Canadian students and $2500 for international students, including compulsory health insurance coverage for the latter.
是不是说这个专业不能申请BURSARY,而只能申请贷款? 如果没有BURSARY, 总贷款额可到多少,能不能到27000CAD?
望各位大哥不吝赐教.谢了.我的EMAIL: ZQSONG3@HOTMAIL.COM |