本人 , 男 , 单身, 新鲜移民, 本人专业是土木工程, 本人又土又木, 来到加拿大的Montreal, 来到这里后, 发觉自己更土更木 , 现住在cote-des-neiges地铁附近, 到了montreal有点找不准方向, 来这里交交朋友, 互通有无, 共同进步, 如果有兴趣的话, 可以电话联系, 514-735-9240, 如果电话没有人接, 麻烦留下你想留的, 如果不是我接,也麻烦室友转达,室友也是刚来, 也是刚来.或是emails, [email="wegodj@hotmail.com"]wegodj@hotmail.com[/email], Sam, 如果有朋友正在读法语cofi, 蒙大或是奎大的法语, 或是法语专业课程的, 或是concordia, mcgill英文大学的课程, 或是training 说是等等等等,能够联系下我, 那么就更好了, 如果有谁喜欢hiphop, 喜欢2pac, 这个这个就最好, 男女都欢饮, 法语只会最最最基本 你好, 谢谢, 再见 没了, 闽南话比法语好一点点, 粤语又比闽南话好一点点, 英文又比粤语好一点点, 上海话又比英文好一点点, 北京话又比上海话好一点点, 还是普通话最好. 这个这个, 车远了, 车远了, 对不起. 对不起. 说多了, 说多了, 这里各位都很忙, 都极其很忙, 有找男朋友, 女朋友, 婚移的, 跳舞唱歌的, party animal的, 有打体力的, 有正式工作打脑力的,有领EI的,有读training的,有结婚待产的, 等等. 想认识多些朋友.但是跑到马路上随便歹个人问, 这个,这个, 不好, 有点不好. 那么我也来这里,试试看,主要还是希望多多认识各位,,还是互通有无,共同进步.希望回贴的能够超过3个人, 书话说3个臭皮匠顶个诸葛亮,希望多认识些人, 本人说话有点小小的直接和简洁, 请不要介意, 见谅, 见谅.
写的有点糊里糊涂的,最后休息下,罗说了,写的酸了点,有抽烟的朋友,我来递烟,喝茶的朋友,我来敬茶,爱运动休闲的,我也来凑凑热闹, 爱读书的,我也来陪太子读读书. 好了,终于写好了, 再看遍,笑笑,多笑笑,再笑笑.好好好, 走了,走了,最后,谢谢大家, 谢谢大家.
for making friends with each other.
I am new comer to the website and also new guy to Canada and Montreal.
I notice that there are some hot peoples here like 唐朝美女 and greyhound and some other interesting people. It’s very nice meet you guys in this forum.
How to beging my post here? Ok let me introduce myself.
My name is Sam and I arrived in Montreal on Aug.05. Time passes quickly and now the first snow just landed on the city. Mixed with a little sense of excitement and a little of lost and a little of dreaming, I was here. Most of people are leaving their words on line. Some are looking for boyfriends and some are looking for girlfriends and some are looking for friends. I think I belong to the latter. Life is a little lonely for me and I think most people have the same feeling with me. I want to meet guys here and make friends with each other. But how to do??? Typing few words seems doesn’t help a lot but it’s better than nothing.
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