Here are estimated basic increases. They do not take into account variations in municipal or school taxes, or major improvements. Therefore, the estimated negative impact for dwellings heated with fuel oil or gas could be offset by the positive effect of the building’s other operating expenses.
Dwellings heated with
Estimated increases
Electricity 1.0 %
Gas -0.5 %
Fuel oil -7.9 %
Unheated dwellings 0.8 %
For a calculation specific to a building, the Régie du logement offers landlords and tenants the form entitled Calculation 2010/How to agree on the rent. Using the form, it is possible to calculate the rent more precisely by taking into consideration the variation in municipal and school taxes, major improvements and all the building’s operating costs.
The interactive form entitled Calculation 2010/How to agree on the rent is now available on the Website of the Régie du logement, at The form will also be available in paper format during the second week of February.
It is important to note that specific rules govern rent increases for rental dwellings. The rules and the models for notices of rent increases and responses to notices of rent increases can also be obtained through the Website of the Régie du logement. Furthermore, when rent is fixed by the tribunal, the legal calculation is made on the basis of the building’s operating expenses, not average estimates.
GOOD LUCK!:cool: |