Believe or not, its up to you.
I had successfully help some companies to claim back all the GST/PST that they pay (even the tax for a brand new car that they bought for personal use), and these companies didn't pay any income tax.
企业报税要一月一次 because this company already has a bad record, usually once three months, or you can apply for once six months or even once a year (like my company).
It's true that 在加拿大注册生意简单,不用审批
Also, it's true that if you don't know how to do the tax, 不要自办什么企业 得不偿失.
Post by deland
企业报税比家庭报税复杂,不是一年一次,是要一月一次,个人恐怕报不了,得请个会计师,据说每个月至少得八十刀,省了政府的那点税不知道够不够,另外,费那些心思不知道值多少钱,还有个风险没有计算在内,个人感觉得不偿失,听听别人怎么说... |