take a look at ms MUI:
What is Multilingual User Interface Pack (MUI)?
Multilingual User Interface Pack is a set of language specific resource files that can be added to the English version of Windows Professional. When installed on the English version of Windows, MUI allows the user interface language of the operating system to be changed according to the preferences of individual users to one of the 33 supported languages. This allows large corporations to roll out the same worldwide image with a single install job. Local users can then select the user interface language or it can be set by Group Policy for Organizational Units.
MUI also allows different language users to share the same workstation or roaming users to take their localized user interface from one workstation to another. For instance, one user might choose to see system menus, dialogs and other text in Japanese, while another user logging onto the same system might prefer to see the corresponding text in French.
Windows MUI (set to a particular user interface language) is different from a localized version:
A Windows system with MUI will largely look and behave like the localized version, with some exceptions. MUI runs on top of the English version of Windows. From a feature and architectural point of view, localized versions of Windows are the same as English Windows XP. However, on localized:
The User Interface resources are fully localized.
The Windows Setup information, such as system locale, user locale, keyboard layout, etc is customized for the specific language/country. This is a policy setting with the Multilingual User Interface Pack.
Additional country specific device drivers are added in the East Asian versions only.
Support for upgrades from Localized versions of Windows 9X or Windows 2000 to localized Windows XP. MUI only supports upgrades from English versions.
check details from
http://www.microsoft.com/globaldev/DrIntl/faqs/MUIFaq.mspx#MUIques1 |