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what's the best nutrition product

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发表于 2003-2-3 23:41 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
to every friend who want buy nutrition product: some nutrition dealers to impose so called best products by unreasonal price on unsuspecting people; in fact, their product is not as good as they described.if you are going to buy such product for your family or friends, please compare price in different dealers and quality by reading  product's information label carefully.
发表于 2003-2-4 18:51 | 只看该作者
I'd like to hear some imformations from you.I want to buy this kind  product,but I don't know how to compare it.and who is the another brand's dealer.Can you tell me the detail?thank you!
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 楼主| 发表于 2003-2-4 19:22 | 只看该作者
to tomontreal(sorry, I can't type in Chinese):
first, you should check protein content, this index is very important for whey protein powder; for example, 16g protein in each 20g bserving means 80% content( such as R&L Whey Protein Powder that sold in Costco). Second, less fat content is better.
Above are two general points of selection. Based on many people's experience, Costco is the best place for such product, either price or quality. Remember: big wholesale dealer certainly has lower price than small dealers.
Good luck!
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 楼主| 发表于 2003-2-4 19:25 | 只看该作者
to tomontreal(sorry, I can't type in Chinese):
first, you should check protein content, this index is very important for whey protein powder; for example, 16g protein in each 20g bserving means 80% content( such as R&L Whey Protein Powder that sold in Costco). Second, less fat content is better.
Above are two general points of selection only. Based on many people's experience, Costco is the best place for such product, either price or quality. Remember: big wholesale dealer certainly has lower price than small dealers.
Good luck!
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发表于 2003-2-5 13:44 | 只看该作者
To toptop

乳清生产时分各种不同等级和数种方法。 乳清蛋白开始做时为甜的牛奶乳清或酸碱性乳清,两种都含乳糖、脂肪和其它成份。而甜乳制乳清被认为,在促进健康方面是较佳的乳 清。接着去除乳糖、脂肪、矿物质等,以逆渗透和超过滤方式加工进行,而不丧失蛋白质之功能性质。乳清蛋白对热和其它加工方式相当敏感,旦易被破坏。


R&L Whey Protein Powder 并没有提供产品的纳(Sodium)含量, 我们不认为他们的产品跟我们一样。

你在网上对IINTERACTIVE NUTRTION的产品品头论足是没 有道理的, 希望你能以专业的素质和科学的数据对我们 经销的产品进行评判, 如果你以变态的心理对我们经销 的产品进行肆意的诽谤,INTERACTIVE NUTRITION和JT TRIUMPH INTERNATIONAL (CANADA)公司的律师将对你诋 毁公司产品的名誉和破坏公司正常的商业活动提出法律诉讼
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发表于 2003-2-17 18:01 | 只看该作者
乳清生产时分各种不同等级和数种方法。 乳清蛋白开始做时为甜的牛奶乳清或酸碱性乳清,两种都含乳糖、脂肪和其它成份。而甜乳制乳清被认为,在促进健康方面是较佳的乳 清。接着去除乳糖、脂肪、矿物质等,(CANISE:???为何去除)以逆渗透和超过滤方式加工进行,而不丧失蛋白质之功能性质。(CANISE:你认为服用后还能在胃中保持蛋白质功能性质?,人直接可以利用这些功能?)乳清蛋白对热和其它加工方式相当敏感,旦易被破坏。


R&L Whey Protein Powder 并没有提供产品的纳(Sodium)含量, 我们不认为他们的产品跟我们一样。

你在网上对IINTERACTIVE NUTRTION的产品品头论足是没 有道理的, 希望你能以专业的素质和科学的数据对我们 经销的产品进行评判, 如果你以变态的心理对我们经销 的产品进行肆意的诽谤,INTERACTIVE NUTRITION和JT TRIUMPH INTERNATIONAL (CANADA)公司的律师将对你诋 毁公司产品的名誉和破坏公司正常的商业活动提出法律诉讼(CANISE:你是不是可以贴出贵公司产品的成分?让我们好讨论这些数据)
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