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发表于 2002-9-14 17:42 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
请教知法者,唐人街商店不给退货是否违法? 何处可以找回公道?

事情是这样的: 9月13日我到唐人街协德荣大药行买了一点保健药,回家爱人已买过一份,14日我去退货.有过好几次到西人商店退货,人家二话不说马上退货的经历,譬如去年在 Canadian Tire 买过三双旱冰鞋,用了几次发现鞋磨脚,一周后去退货, 没有半点麻烦. 以为这是这里做生意的必须遵守的法规.谁知到了店里,开始老板很热情,待问明我的目的,老板就借故走开了,忙了5,6分钟,才问看似女老板的人"人家是不是找你有事". 再说一遍说我来退货,人家说不可以,只能换其他的货,不能退钱, 因为昨天的钱已不在这里.(当然我没要她给回我昨天付的那两张钞票.)理论半天,老板说给退一半, 换一半货,当然我不愿意. 钱并不多, 但这种强买强卖的做法, 实在有失公道.

我不懂, 其他商店可以依法无条件退货, 唐人街的商店为什么可以不? 这是来自祖国一些地方的小商人的一贯作风吗? 我应该到那里去找回公道?

不管能否找回说法, 有一点我是确定的, 以后我肯定不会到协德荣大药行买东西了. 除非不得已, 我不会去唐人街买那些昂贵的东西.

再一次请知情者指点迷津, 我该怎样找回公道? 不胜感激!
发表于 2002-9-14 17:58 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2002-9-15 11:11 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2002-9-15 20:20 | 只看该作者
why do you guys shop in China town? if you like to go there, you deserve that.
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发表于 2002-9-15 22:47 | 只看该作者
why the earth is round? any why girls have boobs??
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发表于 2002-9-15 23:10 | 只看该作者
Did you tell the truth ?????
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发表于 2002-9-16 02:10 | 只看该作者
Why China town seems like seperated from Canada? It surely is part of Canada but why it has such a "privilege" which differs from the rest of Canada? To summarize, 唐人街已早落后与过时,根本不属于我们新一代移民,无法代表日益庞大的新移民的利益,它的腐朽及弥漫的小农意识,实在是在加拿大给我们中国人丢人。Something have to be done and changed,don't you guys think so?  
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 楼主| 发表于 2002-9-20 00:04 | 只看该作者
Thank you for your replies, everybody!

These dayes I am a bit busy so I did not come here for a while. As the time passing, while I am not as angry as the day I went there to try to return the medicine, I am sure I will not go to China Town as often as before, and I am sure that some of our fellow poeple are taking advantages of the new comers to make money, so I will stay away from them as possible.

To the friend who doubted my words, I would like to say, every word is true. Believe it or not, it is your business. I don't think I have lots time to waste in making story in the internet. I have two purpose for posting the topic here, one is trying to get some help from somebody knows the laws here, the other is to warn my fellow people to be careful with some of the shops in China Town.

By the way, I have another suggestion for some young parents pursued by the people selling Registered Education Fund, if they have succeeded in persuading you to buy the fund for your child, READ EVERY WORD CAREFULLY before signing the contract,especially the parts concerning your responsibilities. The representives will not tell anything about your responsibility other than all the 'benefit' you will get from the plan.I have a friend got nothing back from the sum, which was about $2000, had been paid for the first year when he quited the plan. If you really want to enjoy the benefit of the 20% of your fund granted by the government, you can buy directly from a bank. Maybe it is better to be posted as another topic, but I do not want to bother to do so.

Thank you again, everyone!
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