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发表于 2008-1-10 13:33 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
<hr style="color: rgb(239, 239, 239);" size="1">                         <!-- / icon and title -->                                                   <!-- message -->                 急寻保险公司.真诚请教住HOUSE的朋友,你们买的是哪家公司的保险?我的那家公司今年的保费比去年涨$300多,郁闷!想换其他的保险公司.在请各位提供一些好的保险公司作参考.多谢多谢!!
发表于 2008-1-10 13:56 | 只看该作者
$300 sounds high, but how many % increase is that?  Did u have any claim?
  x( e3 u9 \, i* h) \
6 D7 E2 q$ d/ z2 x6 F% t' p  nNormally there's #% inflation every year, a ?% reduction if there is no claim for X years." c( @' g% j7 `# f& ]- x5 T) V
  G* }, I# r5 U% N  K
Try http://www.melochemonnex.com, don't forget to ask for the discounted rate for your University, UQAM or UdeM is better priced.  If u are not graduate from any local university, try other insurance co.  
* f. c8 r# i/ h* k, @0 {1 b3 ]' L2 I- P( k# a8 ^
If u have a car, u need to keep both insurance at same company to get better rate.  Search on this website for ? company that gives u free CAA membership for car insurance.  Have fun!
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发表于 2008-1-10 14:37 | 只看该作者
# P5 o, B9 c) `- U7 [/ v( genter information once, get different quotes from at least 4 insureres." L7 t6 i* [# L$ g) ]
/ l; v3 V- ]5 P5 Y. h; E
i can't tell you which is the best, 1. our needs are different 2.  different company price their products differently
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