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求教!!! 修transmission的经验 多谢!

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发表于 2003-9-26 11:13 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
最近从一对老年魁北瓜夫妇手中买了辆98年FORD二手车,由於当时性急,没有送检 (只请懂车朋友试了车),也没有索要收据。 拿车那天,看到老头还帮我们把有裂纹车窗修好了,尽管老太在一边作吃了亏的愤愤装, 我们当时可是感动不已。

结果第2天就发现有JERK现象, 一查, transmission坏了! 再回头找他们, 只剩下回避,矢口否认,和不予理睬, 寄出的挂号信也被退回。这是我们的过失和教训, 也是我们一味信任只说法语的魁北瓜的幼稚。 他们也曾答应会把保养报告和使用手册随后送来,可是这都成为空话。

后来在这里看到是一位大侠说过,车的某些问题会在夏天被隐藏起来。真是这样!天热的时候, 你可能不易察觉这个问题(曾送某车行检查, 刚开始也说没问题呀!)

现在没办法了,只能自己解决。查询和送检过一些车行, 报价从一千到三千不等,多为一千五以上。 因为相当昂贵, 也曾想不修罢了,但随着天气转凉,slipping问题愈显

专修店是否比普通车行好?能否推荐一家. rebuild 似乎也只是拆修, 有直接买新的说法吗?多贵?如果不修, 最后会严重到什么程度? 彻底更换 transmission fluid 能否有帮助?

发表于 2003-9-26 16:36 | 只看该作者
Don't use racial slur in your post, even you suffer the lose. Buying used cars always bring in risks. You can do nothing except go to court if you have enough evidence.

What kind of car you have?
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 楼主| 发表于 2003-9-28 21:17 | 只看该作者
Sorry, I didn't realize my term is "racial slur" when I wrote it. I think you're right.

It's Ford escort, looks beautiful and we like it.  The price of the car was good actually. But we just never expected there is such a big problem and we couldn't do anything with them even we found it immedately, which makes us frustrated. SAAQ told us that we could return the car to the owner in 10 days.  The court told us that we must inform the owner by letter, not telephone before we file them to the court, but what can we do if they just don't touch the letter.

Now we accept it, and would like to fix it before the winter. Thank you, DonCherry. Glad to see you here  
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发表于 2003-9-29 11:51 | 只看该作者
Fix it would cost about $1200. Hopefully you can find a good rebuilt Transmission. Before invest that kind of money for complete rebuild. You may add certain additives or flush the transmssion fuild. Jerking always means that control module (Hydrolic system) in trouble.

Good luck
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发表于 2003-9-29 18:16 | 只看该作者
fengfeng:call me 880-4874,I'll give you good suggestion.
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 楼主| 发表于 2003-9-29 22:09 | 只看该作者
Thank you both very much!

Doncheery, do you mean "add certain additives or flush the transmssion fuild" MAY (or be good for) solve the problem? What kind of this certain additive?

It's true there is burned smell in the fluid. We had thought to flush the transmission too, but after checking with many transmission garages, it seems most of them don't have the flusher. We are not sure they would flush it thoroughly. We only found CT have the machine. But it's not cheap there.
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发表于 2003-9-30 13:12 | 只看该作者
You could check the price in Costco or Wal-Mart, whose prices usually lower than that of CT. You can at same time call scrap yards for used Transmission. Used one could be at half price of rebuilt one, the installation costs about $200.
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 楼主| 发表于 2003-10-1 15:11 | 只看该作者
Thanks a lot for the helpful information!
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