如果有人陪我去医院,回家后我可以一个人在家吗?护士是不是因为怕出现流产才这样要求的呀? 那我是不是不能乘公共交通回来而有必要打车回家呀?
Post by FINE2006
Don't miss your appointment. It must be between 14-16wk.
By law it is illegal to abort after 20wk. Therefore 18-20wk too late to make decision.
I have done it when 14wk, you even can see your baby. Really cute, he shaked his hand when the neddle in my tommy. And the doctor was joking: Get out of my house, who are you?!
Don't worry, but it do has some risk of lost foetus.
Good luck,
forgot to tell you, you MUST have someone accompany you during the whole day otherwise the nurse won't let you go. |