Maximum 4 first name, you can put 1 as usual first name, and the others as first name. When you apply for I.D. cards, you can put any of them. For example, there could 1 first name, or 2, or 3, or 4 appear on the I.D.
请问,你的宝宝如果在加出生,申请加国籍,为什么还可以回国报户口?; l8 E4 z: n$ @7 B. }: O" @
- Y5 }# B; \" F5 W / m7 P! _8 J! @
Post by mamama 5 }# X+ K/ Q, {- f' B6 V. } 正在准备给新生婴儿报出生,正在考虑是否给起一个中文名字,和一个英文名字,这个回中国报户口时方便一些.' }+ L1 R, n {6 ~* p# s( Y
请问大家都是如何办的?+ o" D# v+ [- |- Z- f