Actually ,She is (35-40 years old), one of my good friend in Montreal. she is a sweet, honest, loving and caring . being good looking .and well educated both in China and in Europe , in canada as well.
she has been married once . divorced , no kids.
She is seeking a man who is between 40-45 years old(maximum <=48 years old). being honest , sincere man. He isn't into playing games with relationshis. being family oriented and stable in his mind and feeling with stable job.
Hopefully he could become her soul mate, the man of her life. whose presence creats a warm home atmosphere.
If you are interested , please contact to:
I am sure that she will reply as soon as she gets your email.
我女友(35-40 ), 温柔体贴,为人诚恳,美丽,活泼又大方.教育背景良好.离异无孩.
现欲寻优秀男士成为人生伴侣, 希望他在40-45岁之间(最大不超过48岁), 工作稳定,感情稳定,个性成熟稳定.为人真诚.对待感情认真,忠诚.热爱家庭生活.还希望他能成为灵魂上的知音.能真正带来家的温暖.