在联邦,该费用属于non-refundable credit. 你若交税,可以帮助你抵收入。若不交税,也不退钱给你。若本身的免税额度,足够抵消你的收入,该夏令营的营费就没有用了。夫妻二人,要低收入的那个来申报(即使收入为零)。但有几个例外情况,若低收入的那个人符合,也可以将此营费用来抵高收入的那个人的收入。例如:上学等等。看你的意思是集中于省的退税,所以,联邦的这个就不多说了。详情你可以查阅 表T778 的填写说明。链接:http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/E/pbg/tf/t778/t778-08e.pdf
3。 魁省:
在魁省,daycare费用等,是refundable credit,就是即使你不交税,也可以给你退 up to 75%。
符合条件:相见魁省tax guide: 关于第455行的说明。
The child-care expenses were paid to allow you, or your spouse on
December 31, 2008 (明年会改成2009)(see the definition at line 12), to
– carry out the duties of an office or employment;
– actively carry on a business;
– practise a profession;
– carry out research for which you or your spouse on December 31
received a grant;
– actively seek employment;
– attend an educational institution (see the section “Educational
institutions” below) full time, that is, to be enrolled in an educational
program of at least three consecutive weeks, in which the student
must devote at least 10 hours per week to courses or assignments
related to the program; or
– attend an educational institution (see the section “Educational
institutions” below) part time, that is, to be enrolled in an
educational program of at least three consecutive weeks, in which the
student must devote at least 12 hours per month to courses related
to the program.
你要一个人带孩子,需要符合上述任一条。若两人带孩子,上边说的是 or, 我的理解就是任一人符合就可以。
这里面包括上学。若你不想上学,还有一条你可以考虑: actively seek employment. 关于这一条,仁者见仁,税务局如何界定的,我也无法知道,你可以直接打电话问税局,需要啥样的证据。
不知我解释的是否清楚,希望对你有所帮助。 |