i agree with AK on the aspect of English Environment. but if consider the reputation of these two schools, Concordia would be better. in addition, if you only have these two options, you should understand that both are in Class 3 of Mclean, and should not be too much difference. I mean that it does not seem like to distinguish the schools of class 2 from class 3, or class 1 from class 2. by the way, Wilfred is a "high" school of Waterloo. you may seek a way(just ask the advisor for the posibility) to transfer to waterloo
Post by beth
WLU的student center环境不错,挺热闹。学校就方方正正的一块,不大,集中性较强。离WATERLOO数步之遥。那个小TOWN就是在这两个学校的基础上发展起来的,所谓的大学城。。。城市感觉没什么生气,生活无聊郁闷。离大城市也远。不过是个学习的好地方。如果耐得住寂寞的话可以考虑那里。WLU中国人少之又少。不过旁边的WATERLOO就差不多快成中国人的天下了。