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Why we should speak English

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发表于 2009-7-26 23:17 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
对于我们这些来到这个国家的中国移民来说,学英语和说好英语是和西方人民沟通融合的唯一渠道。如果我们想在这边扎下根来,要想发展,不被其他民族轻视,这是我们面临的处境和必须要做的事情。没法想像在一个英语的世界里,有一群不会说英文的中国人在这个社会中生活,但是没有和身边的各族人的交流和思想沟通, 他们的境遇会怎样。
For those of us who came to the country's Chinese immigrants, learning English and speak good English is the integration of the only channel of communication with the Western people. If we want to take root here, to the development and won’t be taken lightly by other nations, this is the situation we are facing and the need to do. Can not imagine that in a world of English, a group of Chinese people who can not say English but live in this society, no exchange of ideas and communicate with all nationalities around them, their situation will be like what.

在我们的日常生活中,我们只要尽量说出英语就够了,根据每个人对语言的接受程度,有的人可以说得多一点,有些人能说得很少。确实学英语是很难的,也许费了很大劲,你只能蹦出几个词,但是没有关系,想说就是一种努力。又有谁会笑话你呢? 因为我们的基础太差了,这不是我们的错,而是以前的教育模式造成的。你的观点有些是正确的,确实我们应该弘扬我们的汉语文化,提高汉语在国际上的地位,那是每一个国家应该做的事,无论其大小。但是从全世界范围来看,英语是最实用的为最广大国家和人民接受的通用语言,别的国家的人民能接受,我们国家为什么就不能接受呢? 还有很多商家拒绝说英语的人,口号是保护汉语文化。其实有什么必要吗? 为什么要担心汉语会消失呢?我们的孩子有能力学好英文,法文,如果他们想,他们肯定也能学好汉语。方法可以是这样,大部分的人可以不用说的很好,讲一点点或者作为兴趣来学,不用浪费很大精力。少量高级口语翻译。孩子趁小抓紧时间说好语言,将来他们会省很多力,不会像我们一样花二十多年来学,还容易忘,还没有好的效果。在国内语言环境不够,对语言的要求可以很低;但是对我们这些已经到这边的人来说,应该高一点层次,如果还是不注重对英语的接触,对英语世界的联系,那就是自己垒墙了。我们来到了这边才发现很多的国家的人都可以说两到三种语言。也没有发现那些国家的语言都消失了。我们国家的人要想在世界上争主动,也应该学习其他国家的方式,多掌握一门语言,这对我们国家很有好处,不会在世界的舞台上看别人在流畅的交流沟通,我们却不知所云。另外,不会说英语,我们只能在中国通行,走不到世界上去,就没有世界地位。当为世界共同谋未来的时候,其他各国的人都在抒发自己观点的时候,我们只能靠翻译与世界对话,否则走到哪都遇障碍,你说你心里的感受是什么样的?
  In our daily life, we speak English as long as enough as possible as we can, according to each person's acceptance of the language, and some people much more can say while others will tell us very little. Indeed it is very difficult to learn English, and perhaps with a great effort, you can only speak a few words, but no matter, it is an effort to say, and who would quip you? Too bad because of our basis, and what is not our fault, but the former caused by the mode of education we received. Some of your points of view are correct, and sure thing we should carry forward our Chinese culture, to raise the status of Chinese in the international arena. It is every country should do, regardless of their territory. However, judging from the around of the world, English is the most useful the common language to the broadest number of countries and peoples have accepted, those people of other countries can accept it, our country why can not accept it? There are many business people who still refuse English speaker; the slogan is to protect the Chinese culture. In fact, what is this a necessary? Why should we fear it the disappearance of Chinese? Our children have the ability to learn English, French, if they wish, they can certainly learn Chinese. Can be that is the case, most people don’t need to say English very good, talk a little bit or learn as an interest as a science, for do not have to waste a lot of energy. A small numbers of high-level spoken language translators. Waste no time taking advantage of small age of our children master a good language, in the future, they will save large amounts of time, many will not same as the way we learn by spending more than two decades, but also easy to forget, no good results. In China, Language environment at home is not enough of the language and the requirements could be low; but for those of us who have been to this side of the people, should be at a higher level, if still not focused on the English-speaking contacts, links to the English-speaking world, it is their own mistake to build a wall clog themselves. We came here and found a lot of countries’ people can say 2-3 kinds of languages. Also did not find which language of those countries has disappeared. People of our country would like to take the initiative in the world should learn from the way of other countries, more than one language to master, which is very good for our country. It won’t be seen such a happen when people to communicate with each other, we but not knowing what’s talking on. In addition, do not speak English, we can only access in China, no chance to act worldwide, therefore no status in the world. When people get together seeking a developing plan for the world's future, people from other countries can express their views at any time, while we can only rely on the translation of dialogue with the world, or wherever obstacles are encountered, what do you feel at the moment?
Moreover, we are in Quebec, in addition to English, but also need to speak French, the language demand is higher. French people do not speak English as much as possible, he has a sense of national pride because too few of the people speak French, no protection, and there will be the demise of the French. And we have more than one billion people in China speak Chinese, why do you fear Chinese will disappear? If our Chinese speaker only supposed left about millions of people, we will protect the Chinese, the world will also strengthen the protection of the Chinese. At that time we will also have a national sense of crisis and self-esteem.

Even if the Chinese who can not speak English also tell several pidgin words, even popular songs written in some lines of English, this is just because we have to find ways to maintain a sense of English language, English will be integrated into day-to-day conversation, and this is the easiest way. Singing is another swap method. Those who do not want to learn English do not know the efforts, and the difficulty to maintain and improve the English proficiency level. People who would like to say good English has also a sense of national pride, because they do not want his performance is not excellent before other ethics, he wants to clearly express some kinds of views. Link with the world is a good thing, at least we will not lag further behind. Craze to learn English is understandable, because most of us do not know and master it, so it’s hot; if afterwards, we learn well, it won’t hot anymore, and we will do other things.

With the language, we will have a say to speak; no language, can only act as a dumb, on the passive. I have said before, I hope this issue in language not to have more arguments, and also need time to do a lot of other things. Poor language for the former immigrants, they were discriminated; I heard that 90% of the people of Hong Kong people went back, we do not learn them. Our new immigrants have a higher level of English and should use this advantage to seize more initiatives. Now there are many businesses, shops still seem to exclude the English, and this trend is not good. Or even people who live in mainland are feel strange, you went to Canada, should be English-speaker, how can speak Chinese all the time?
People living in foreign countries tend to speak more English and less Chinese because of the need to improve the language, and the limited time each day, it is very normal, although we can understand that many Chinese employer’s English is not very good, but still want to have more opportunities to use English. This is the need to make a living.   

The domestic people have fewer opportunities to use English. A small amount of learning can be ok. However, in the long haul for the prospective, we can maintain Chinese and English as the common languages, which is  nothing bad, even later everywhere people speak English, in our own country, the Chinese will not disappear in certainty, the ancestral language and its long history and its uniqueness in the world makes it difficult to be replaced. (Merely, modern people think it's too complicated, change it to a little not like Chinese.) Instead, we might have the capacity to speak another also useful language.

  However, this process may be very long; to pass through the third and fourth generation immigrants may reach that degree to master a full picture of the extent of English. Only we the first generation of immigrants for several decades of efforts and to explore the English are far from sufficient. And in domestic, I am afraid that much last longer. But we have gone through the tortuous path can very much make avoid our children to waste a lot of energy and don’t go our old way. This is what we practice English hardly for many years the significance it is on. As same the time of smelting steel we wasted a lot of iron, but when comes a time we have a passion and zeal to face a new thing, we would like to consider, how can a better way to avoid the mistakes committed before, then after we are gradually no longer produce the iron and steel scrap.  

发表于 2009-7-26 23:28 | 只看该作者
google translation is very good.
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发表于 2009-7-27 01:05 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2009-7-29 15:08 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-31 15:43 | 只看该作者


Nice to give good suggestion. Thank you, friend.

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发表于 2009-8-16 15:06 | 只看该作者



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发表于 2009-8-17 10:07 | 只看该作者
Post by david3549tw;2313610

建議你買一本小小的書:THE ELEMENTS OF STYLE. by William Strunk Jr. and E. B. White.
跟这本一块的, 还有两本, the elements of editing, the elements of grammar
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发表于 2009-8-17 19:16 | 只看该作者
Post by niuniu1;2331986

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发表于 2009-8-19 10:48 | 只看该作者

ce theme est posé par une personne imbécile.

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-24 01:08 | 只看该作者



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