I hope that the garage you went to have the program for the year and model your car. Otherwise, the fault code could be misleading.
If the fault code is correct, you may want to check whether the thermostat is operating properly and maybe the sensor (ECT and/or CHT) is malfunctioning.
"I hope that the garage you went to have the program for the year and model your car. Otherwise, the fault code could be misleading." that I do not know.
Is it possible for me to tell whether the thermostat is operating properly? Or, I must go a garage to do that. I am trying to eliminate other possibilities. Thanks a milion.
These are not things that you could verify yourself.
If I were you, I would go to a garage specialized for Ford. Small garages may not purchase the software for each specific model, which may make the fault code misleading and meaningless. Or you could leave it for a little while and see since you know that the coolant is enough and not leaking... I don't know how well you car runs. So this will be your call. Hope this helps...
Thank you very much, Acorn. There is no leaking for sure and ford dealer checked the status of the car in Dec 2007. They said all most expensive parts of the car were fine.
The light has been mannually turned off and I was advised by the garage exactly the same as what you mentioned (wait for a while to see if it comes back on).
Post by linyangwind2739
请问您为什么断定是那个东西坏了呢? 我做了一些研究,也觉得可能是它的问题,但是无法确定,车子一切都非常正常。市区里水温表正常,一开高速,温度马上降下来,而且非常低。觉得是调节器 stuck open。今天去了一个我比较信赖的修车师傅那里,他居然说这种事情不重要,灯亮了你把它弄灭了继续开就行了,说什么不给我看,说没事,真拿他没办法。