CPU:Intel D940(双核 3.20GHz);
内存:2G DDR2
Video卡:NVIDIA Quadro FX 560 显像卡 128 MB快速GDDR3显存 (新的)
硬盘:160G SATA 盘(新的)
新安装的Windows XP(真品证书(COA)和 XP盘)
惠普键盘: free (very clean and like new, in fact almost not used )
加250G SATA HD:15元
加19“液晶显示器(good 品牌): +50$..
Post by RGB;2955398
你想给你孩子学习或上网的电脑? 但是,不希望花很多钱吗?看看这台价格不足100元电脑
CPU:Intel D940(双核 3.20GHz);
内存:2G DDR2
Video卡:NVIDIA Quadro FX 560 显像卡 128 MB快速GDDR3显存 (新的)
硬盘:160G SATA 盘(新的)
新安装的Windows XP(真品证书(COA)和 XP盘)
惠普键盘: free (very clean and like new, in fact almost not used )
加250G SATA HD:15元
加19“液晶显示器(good 品牌): +50$..
I sent a mail to you (1419983998@qq.com) a few days ago and haven't received your email back.. Maybe, 1419983998@qq.com is not email address...( just QQ, if so, sorry, I don't use QQ).