1. 97年, Toyota corola, 6 4000公里,才买2个月. 跑高速时踩刹车后,熄火,(踩油门没有任何反映,没有任何灯亮)(发动机温度显示正常). 重新启动时很困难, 需要等一下才能点着火. 偶尔走local踩刹车后也会熄火. 熄火后重新启动时如果踩着油门会比较容易启动. 上一星期在Michelin 检查 this car, just change the air filter and 火花塞,没有发现别的问题. 不知道是什么原因?
2. 去那里检查和修理比较好一点?
This problem makes driving is very dangerous especially in highway. I have been stopped in the highway for three times today.
Urgent to get your answer.
Thanks a lot. |