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发表于 2012-5-13 08:20 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

《七天》胡宪文章的基本特色就是吹,内中有许多不实之词, 误导读者。 现举这期《七天》胡宪文章《漂泊岁月》中的一个例子予以说明:



蒙特利尔几个“自称作家”的中国人,把自己在华文小报发过的短文,要了一个书号,自筹基金,结集印刷, self-publish。集子不是由正式的文学出版社出版, 没有经过专业地审稿程序与编辑,纯是“自娱自乐”的行为,别人不可妄议,但是,不仅自吹自擂,还要贬低他人,就不好了。按照定义,不是靠写作为生、并在同行中有较大影响的人不能自称“作家”,在《岁月在漂泊》集子中有多少作者是靠稿费和版税体面地生活或养家糊口?又有多少在中国文学界有较大影响的人?没有。并不是所有能以此为生的职业都可成 “家”, 例如,理发的人只有理发师,没有理发家。一般的教员是教师,只有对教育有杰出贡献的人才能称之为教育家。应晨能用法文写作(书店里到处有她的书)并被当地人认同, 而“自称作家”那些人法语没有好到能写作出版并“被当地人认同”的程度,这可能就是他们与应晨的差别! 所以, “在这里出书(自印中文书, 自留或送人,老外的书店不会出售)就是意味着 我们的写作被当地人认同”,这是自欺与骗人,主流社会老外没有读过你的“中文作品”,又如何对你们的作品认同?认同何来?

“申请一个书号,然后自筹基金,结集印刷”, 蒙特利尔许多华人文学爱好者(包括一些老侨)干过,所以,《岁月在漂泊》并不是如胡宪吹地那样“是加拿大魁北克历史上第一部由官方批准发行,在蒙特利尔排版印刷的华文文学书籍”。胡宪那么写是否为了贬低当地老侨与其他华人写作的爱好者?大家一目了然。

“你现在上网搜索,已经可以查到这本书了”, 胡宪这样写道。今天我在 GOOGLE 用这本书的出版号”ISBN978-2-9812733-07”,书名的法语“Nos Annees au Canada" 或英文译名“The Drifting Years”,皆搜索不到, 由此可见, 胡宪的话是不靠谱的。

 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-13 12:44 | 只看该作者
How to Apply for an ISBN in Canada, USA, and UK

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What is an ISBN and where to obtain one if applying  in Canada, UK, or the USA.
An ISBN, or International Standard Book Number, is a unique, unduplicated and  internationally recognized 13 digit number that identifies the title of a  published work. It is usually found on the back of a printed title above the  barcode. An ISBN, or product code, is used by librarians, booksellers, and  publishers to order and identify books.
Who Should Obtain an ISBN?

Any publisher who is interested in selling their product in book stores or  Internet booksellers will require an ISBN. For the purposes of applying for an  ISBN, a 'publisher' is defined as "the person or body who takes the financial  risk in making a product available. For example, if a product went on sale and  sold no copies at all, the Publisher is usually the person or body who loses  money" (UK ISBN Agency). In this context, writers who want to self-publish are  considered publishers. Publishers can only apply for an ISBN from the country in  which they are based.
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Not all publishers require an ISBN. If the work is self-published and is not  going to be placed in book stores or libraries, there is no legal obligation to  obtain an ISBN. However, the benefits of having an ISBN include access to  bibliographic databases which are used by booksellers and libraries to provide  information on titles to their customers.
Five Parts of an ISBN

  • the EAN (European article number) product code: the first  three digits of the EAN bar code number;
  • the group identifier: a single digit following the EAN  product code that specifies the country or language in which the book is  published;
  • the publisher prefix: a number that identifies a particular  publisher within the preceding group;
  • the title identifier: a number that identifies a particular  title or edition of a title issued by the preceding publisher;
  • the check digit: a single digit at the end of the ISBN that  validates the accuracy of the ISBN (Collections Canada).
Applying for an ISBN in Canada, UK, and USA

Canadian publishers can apply online for an ISBN through Library  and Archives Canada, Canadian ISBN Service System (CISS). French language  publishers located in Quebec or outside of Quebec can obtain an ISBN from  Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec. In Canada, ISBN numbers are free  to publishers and are usually issued within 10 days.
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Applications for an ISBN in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland  are processed through the UK  ISBN Agency. The agency does not accept applications for single ISBN  numbers; a minimum of 10 numbers is required at a cost of £111.86. The standard  service time is 10 working days, excluding weekends and holidays. No online  appllication is available.
Bowker is the  official ISBN Agency in the United States. Various packages are available online  which include add on services such as SEO title card which is described as  "search-optimized web pages featuring information about your titles" (Bowker).  Single ISBN number packages are available starting at $125.00.
An ISBN identifies a title as unique. It is also the main way that major  search engines such as google, bing, and yahoo find a book, and how booksellers  organize their databases to sell in store and online. If the goal is to make a  title available to a wide audience, applying for an ISBN is a necessary  step.

Read more at Suite101: How to Apply for an ISBN in Canada, USA, and UK | Suite101.com http://marilyn-michaud.suite101. ... 48568#ixzz1ulySzYYK
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