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发表于 2008-12-21 16:14
便宜自酿/自灌 葡萄酒/冰酒/啤酒 - Basic Info.
From my poor memory, please bear with me.
"The first "wine kits" sold in North America were bricks of compressed grapes, shipped to eastern states from California during prohibition. Home winemaking was as illegal as any other alcohol producing activity under the 18th amendment, so these helpful raisin bricks came with stern instructions. "Do not add this to five gallons of warm water", they stated, "and do not ten pounds of sugar, and yeast, or it will become wine, which would be ILLEGAL!" It was a tough and funny time to be a home winemaker.
We've come a long way from the raisin bricks of the 1920s . . . These days, wine kits are sourced from vineyard all over the world. Using high-quality juice and concentrate, you can make Chardonnay from California, Shiraz from Australia or Cabernet Sauvignon from France . . . " WineMaker Magazine, Summer 2001.
Home Wine Making(=自酿酒)
- Categories: "fresh must"(=refrigerated grape juice) or "kit(=concentrates)" for wine.
- Juices come in 20 or 23 Litre buckets, 95% Kits are for 23L=~30 x 750ml
- Ice Wine/Port/Sherry normally only come in half batch size, 11.5L = 30 x 375ml.
- Beers come in small can of concentrates or cans+hops, for 23L=60 bottles x330ml.
- Production time: 4 weeks -> 8 months, depending on what u buy/make.
- Drinkability: 1st day -> 1 year bottle aging. (Generally: better wine requires longer aging)
** Make sure u get info on "~required aging time", else u could be drinking a great bottle of wine before its time and find it completely awful, even undrinkable.
Brew On Premise (=BOP in Ontario =Bottle your wine on premises=自灌酒)
- IDENTICAL to Home Make Wine, u pay them to "make wine" at their store.
- Not sure if BOP will make beer for u, check yourself.
- LEGALLY they are not allowed to make wine for u, hence u need to (1)"sprinkle the yeast" yourself (only takes 1 second) and (2) bottle your own wine(depending on the store, 15-30 min. for 30 bottles)
- Standard Process: u go to the store, pick your wine, pay the money, "sprinkle yeast", return to store after 4-6 weeks and bottle your own wine there. U can either bring your own bottles or buy bottle @$.65-$1 @ store.
** NO store in Quebec/Ontario will age wine for anyone.
Wine Making in Montreal:
- Fresh juice: from Wine Stores year round or Jean Talon market++ in Sept/Oct, >50 varieties.
- Kits: from wine stores year round, >100 varieties to choose from.
- Prices: ~$25-$150 for 1 batch of 20/23L of wine(=~juice), $1X-$? for beer.
- Making wine@home: one time setup $50-$100+ for equipments, last for years, don't have to pay for BOP below.
- BOP: ~$35-$55 for labour/space/equipement rental PER BATCH of 20 or 23 L, don't need to buy equipement above.
- Other expenses: ~$0.50-$1/wine bottle, $0.1-$0.4/cork, $0.1/wine label, $0.1/cap (shrink wrap on top of bottle)
Stores listed in Yellow Pages under "Vin & biere - Production Equipement & Fournitures", more companies listed under the French section. Ask if they can make wine on their premise for u. Don't ask for "BOP", not in Quebec.
- Beer and wine making processes are similar, just a few more steps. 95% of equipments are identical.
- Process of wine making is too long for me to write. I'd suggest u do a web search with the word "home make wine" or "home make beer" before going to the stores. |