不是自助,只是任吃,差不多 ba!如果同样价格的话,天霞比将太好; if not same $ ,将太还是可以接受的,服务非常好。
I only know lunch prices:
将太, 1824 St. Catherine West, 514-989-8886 - Mon-Thurs $13.99-10%+tax, Fri-Sun $14.99+T
天霞*, 2065 Bishop, 514-288-2065 - $13.95+T (午餐没有牛仔骨)
* something about students get 10% off when pay cash, not sure lunch or dinner
* Not sure if they still offer promotion of "1 person free for group of 4" at dinner.
Post by iMP;3151288
不是自助,只是任吃,差不多 ba!如果同样价格的话,天霞比将太好; if not same $ ,将太还是可以接受的,服务非常好。
I only know lunch prices:
将太, 1824 St. Catherine West, 514-989-8886 - Mon-Thurs $13.99-10%+tax, Fri-Sun $14.99+T
天霞*, 2065 Bishop, 514-288-2065 - $13.95+T (午餐没有牛仔骨)
* something about students get 10% off when pay cash, not sure lunch or dinner
* Not sure if they still offer promotion of "1 person free for group of 4" at dinner.