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发表于 2008-1-17 20:07 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

多伦多信息港 http://www.torontoservice.com  2008-1-17 20:51:00 中新网 </SPAN>




1、University of Toronto(世界大学排名第二十三位)

1827年,John Strachan获得了成立King's College的皇家特许。这一学院便是后来多伦多大学的前身。与加拿大其他历史悠久的名校多受教会控制一样,早期的多伦多大学是由英格兰教会控制(其他例子还有Queen's由苏格兰教会创立,而浸信会对McMaster甚至一直控制到1957年)。经过一百多年的发展,在加拿大多伦多大学已经是“如果我称第二,无人敢称第一”。大学的专业从航天技术到动物园学无所不包,而且样样堪称一流。荣获诺贝尔奖的教授人数也是加拿大最多的

2、McGill University(世界大学排名第二十九位)

1813年James McGill去世时捐出一万英镑和46英亩的土地用来成立皇家高等学院,这便是后来举世闻名的麦基尔大学。麦基尔是加拿大唯一一所能与 University of Toronto相提并论的大学。麦基尔地处讲法语的Montreal中英语区的中心,不但拥有大量的国际学生,而且很多世界上的知名学者也慕名而来。当年大物理学家卢瑟福便是在麦基尔发现了原子的结构,使麦基尔在欧美声名大噪。同时麦基尔的医学院在加拿大首屈一指,是无数学子梦寐以求的地方。

3、University Of British Columbia(简称UBC)(世界排名第三十五位)

英属哥伦比亚大学始建于1915年,位于英属哥伦比亚省British Columbia的温哥华市Vancouver,是英属哥伦比亚省最早的大学,起初为研究性合作机构,后来逐渐发展为综合性大学。

4、McMaster University(世界排名第五十九位)

麦马斯达大学的历史最早可追溯到 1830年代。当时的参议员William McMaster捐款成立一所“基督徒学习的学校”,在1887年正式成为麦马斯达大学。麦马斯达是一所中型大学,以研究著称。学校教师中拥有博士学位的比例是全加拿大最高的。学校还拥有国际一流的实验室和各种先进的设施,是北美仅有的少数拥有自己核反应堆的大学之一。

5、Queen’s University(世界排名第七十二位)

1841年,Thomas Liddell受苏格兰教会委托携带皇家特许来到Kington创立Queen's College,这就是皇后大学的前身。皇后大学在加拿大是极受尊重的大学,以优异的教学质量和多姿多彩的历史而闻名。其中最值得一提的历史事件当属 1938年罗斯福总统在这里接受荣誉学位时发表的那篇著名的保证加拿大不受纳粹侵犯的演说。皇后大学的教学质量在加拿大无出其右者,一直受到各行各业的广泛好评。

6、University of Waterloo(世界排名第九十一位)

滑铁卢大学自从1959年成立,仅数十年时间便跻身加拿大名校行列,是加拿大发展最快的学校。滑铁卢在成立之初便把重点放在新兴的电脑行业上,并罕见地成立了数学学院(Faculty of Math)来发展她的Computer Science。飞速发展的数学学院及所属的电脑系不仅带动了其他如工学院在高科技领域的投入,而且为滑铁卢在电脑行业赢得了别人无法相比的声誉。滑铁卢最为人称道的成就是她创立的co-op program,让电脑系学生在学习的同时有机会在IBM,Nortel,Bell等著名公司获得工作经验,现在已经为美加大学竞相效仿。近十多年滑铁卢的电脑本科毕业生极为抢手,各大公司排着队聘请。微软公司优先录取毕业生的八所美国大学和五所加拿大大学中,滑铁卢名列榜首
 楼主| 发表于 2008-1-19 10:29 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2008-1-19 13:31 | 只看该作者
ha :经过一百多年的发展,在加拿大多伦多大学已经是“如果我称第二,无人敢称第一”。大学的专业从航天技术到动物园学无所不包,而且样样堪称一流--这里有些虚假的成分,多大没那么厉害,没几样是一流的,在说,另外两所分校也不怎么样,入学要求也比较低。

“当年大物理学家卢瑟福便是在麦基尔发现了原子的结构,使麦基尔在欧美声名大噪“这个也不正确,当年卢瑟福并不是在mcgill发现的原子结构,他是1907年返回了University of Manchester,在mcgill的研究奠定了他发现原子结构的基础,而在1908年获得了诺贝尔
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发表于 2008-1-19 14:39 | 只看该作者
hi,man. I read this post 200 years ago.

U should updaate it if you want to give us the latest info
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-1-22 10:48 | 只看该作者



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发表于 2008-1-22 23:48 | 只看该作者

Here comes latest one

Media Relations Office (MRO) (Press releases) [website] [newswire]
McGill first in Canada, 12th in world rankings

November 8, 2007

Times Higher-QS rates McGill best public university in North America

McGill University has been ranked among the world's top universities again this year by the prestigious Times Higher-QS World University Rankings. The THES/QS declared McGill the number one Canadian university by global standards and number 12 among the top 200 universities ranked — up nearly 10 rankings from 21st in 2006. The ranking also classes McGill as North America's best public university and the only Canadian university ranked among the world's top 30. Ten other Canadian universities made the top 200, four of them for the first time this year.

Since the launch of the THES annual rankings in 2004, McGill has been the only Canadian school to appear annually among the top 25 in the world, consistently improving from 24th in 2005 to 21st in 2006, to 12th in this year's rankings. This year, Harvard was again ranked number one in the world, with Oxford, Cambridge and Yale tied for second. Among the top 20, McGill ranked ahead of Duke, Johns Hopkins, Stanford and Cornell. Among other Canadian universities in the top 50, the University of British Columbia was 33rd and the University of Toronto was 45th.

"This news is particularly gratifying coming from the Times Higher-QS, which is respected the world over," said McGill Principal and Vice-Chancellor Heather Munroe-Blum. "At a time when universities are generating knowledge and talent for a global marketplace and for a society seeking solutions to increasingly complex problems through research and innovation, this recognition of McGill's role as a world leader is a tribute to the exceptional quality and commitment of our students, faculty and staff."

The Times Higher-QS annual ranking is a composite indicator that integrates peer review and opinion with quantitative data. Forty per cent of the total ranking score is based on academic peer review, gathered this year from 5,101 academics worldwide. Another 20 per cent is awarded for research excellence measured by citations tracked and supplied by Scopus, a leading supplier of such data. A further 10 per cent of the score is derived from a survey of active graduate recruiters for major global and national employers, 1,471 of whom this year responded to questions about which institutions they prefer to hire from. The university's staff-to-student ratio — a classic gauge of an institution's commitment to teaching — is also worth 20 per cent. Finally, the survey allots five percentage points for number of staff who come from other countries and a further five for percentage of overseas students.

The Times Higher Education Supplement is owned by TSL Education, formerly a division of News International, owners of the Times of London. In October 2005, it was sold to a private equity group and now operates independently from the Times. QS, Quacquarelli Symonds — is a world-leading careers and education specialist and provides guidance for higher education and career choices.

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发表于 2008-1-23 11:21 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-2-12 09:23 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2008-2-25 05:40 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2008-2-25 13:01 | 只看该作者
Post by 夏尔

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