于伟玲(Wei Ling Yu, 女, 48岁)是加拿大食物检验局动物疾病研究所(Ottawa Laboratory (Fallowfield), Animal Diseases Research Institute, Canadian Food Inspection Agency, K2H 8P9 Ottawa)的研究员, 因涉嫌与加拿大食品检验署OIE布鲁氏菌病参考实验室高级专家尼尔森(Klaus Nielsen, 67岁, 已经退休)教授联手向中国大陆偷运病菌(布鲁氏病原菌),目前被加拿大警方通缉,尼尔森已于去年10月份被捕, 今年4月17日法庭审判。他们向中国偷运家畜病毒的事情,加拿大主要媒体对此进行了报道, 例如:
http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/ ... arged-brucella.html
“高级生物学家于伟玲向扈荣良研究员 提问”, 坐在边上的正是尼尔森研究员。
于伟玲女士与尼尔森研究员曾多次以“世界动物卫生组织(OIE)终身教授、加拿大食品检验署OIE布鲁氏菌病参考实验室高级专家尼尔森和该参考实验室高级生物学家、高级顾问于伟玲博士”的头衔,一起到中国学术交流与访问,宣传他们研究布鲁氏病菌的成果。据估计,于伟玲博士可能已作为人才被中国什么单位引进, 也有人说她现在黑龙江省,任黑龙江省平河生物技术研究所(有限公司)的所长, 不是她是否是作为千人或龙江学者被引进的?
于伟玲博士与尼尔森研究员在中国访问, 照片来自:http://www.cqadc.cn/Html/2012_08 ... 12_08_02_91134.html
于伟玲博士与尼尔森研究员, 照片来自:http://www.cqadc.cn/Html/2012_08_02/4207_4473_2012_08_02_91134.html
非法偷运病菌不仅是学术道德、走私学术产权问题,更是违背下列法律:《出口及进口许可法》(Export and Import PermitsAct)﹑《运输危险物品法》(Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act)与《人类病原体及毒素法》(Human Pathogens and Toxins Act)等。加拿大警方通缉于伟玲女士,中国警方是否会对她的走私病菌行为采取措施,大家拭目以待。
从下面网址可以见到于伟玲与Klaus Nielsen的照片
http://www.hlau.cn/um/news/index ... c5764129e6b19beb8d5
参加论坛开幕式的领导和专家还有中国疾病预防控制中心人兽共患病办公室主任殷文武教授,中国动物卫生流行病学中心人兽共患病实验室范伟兴主任,重庆市农委曾代勤副巡视,世界动物卫生组织(OIE)终身教授、加拿大食品检验署OIE布鲁氏菌病参考实验室高级专家尼尔森(Klaus Nielsen)教授,联合国粮农组织(FAO)驻中国、蒙古和朝鲜高级专家、前澳大利亚首席兽医官邓华炯(John Edwards)先生,泰国农业部畜牧发展局汪蓉(Wirongrong)博士,加拿大食品检验署OIE布鲁氏菌病参考实验室高级生物学家、高级顾问于伟玲博士,市农委畜牧业发展处吕祖德处长、动物防疫检疫处汤明处长、对外合作处杨雪梅副处长、兽医医政药政处胡杰副处长等。
Researcher tried to export pathogen to China, RCMP allege Dr. Klaus Nielsen and Wei Ling Yu were investigated by RCMP
CBC News Posted: Apr 3, 2013 1:35 PM ETLast Updated: Apr 3, 2013 5:18 PM ET
Two former Canadian Food Inspection Agency researchershave been charged with breach of trust after an RCMP investigation into theiralleged attempts to commercialize CFIA property.
The agency first contacted the RCMP in March 2011,beginning an investigation — dubbed Project Sentimental — into Dr. KlausNielsen, 67, of Richmond, Ont., and Wei Ling Yu, 48, of Ottawa.
Dr. Klaus Nielsen is facing oneCriminal Code charge, as well as several charges under the Export and ImportPermits Act, the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act and the Human Pat
hogensand Toxins Act.(CFIA website)
More than a year later, in October 2012, RCMP and Ottawapolice intercepted Nielsen as he was making his way to the Ottawa airport,according to an RCMP media release issued Wednesday, which made the case publicfor the first time.
An Ottawa fire department team that deals with hazardousmaterials was also dispatched.
Nielsen was on his way to China at the time, RCMPspokesman Sgt. Richard Rollings said.
"We believe Ms. Yu is currently in China,"Rollings added. A Canada-wide arrest warrant has been issued for Yu.
While the investigation did not begin until 2011, thebreach of trust charge dates back to Sept. 9, 2005, according to Rollings.
17 vials of pathogen found insearch
Seventeen vials of pathogen — live brucella bacteria thatcan infect livestock and humans — were found while searching Nielsen, RCMPallege.
He was arrested for breach of trust by a public officerand the unsafe transportation of a human pathogen. He faces several chargesunder the Export and Import Permits Act, the Transportation of Dangerous GoodsAct and the Human Pathogens and Toxins Act.
Nielsen, who was charged last week, appeared in courtWednesday morning. He is next scheduled to appear in court on April 17.
Yu, Nielsen co-authored journalpaper in 2010
In 2003, Nielsen was one of six CFIA researchers awardedthe Technology Transfer Award for developing a 15-second test for detectingbrucellosis in cattle.
The U.S. company Diachemix manufactured and licensed thetest.
"In Canada, the populations of Canadian cattle andfarmed bison have been officially brucellosis-free since 1984," said aposting about the award on the CFIA's website. "Nonetheless, a reservoirof disease in Canadian wildlife means that Canada must regularly survey itscattle for brucellosis. And while the disease is under control here, it takes amajor toll on people and animals in other parts of the world.
"Known as 'undulant fever' in humans, brucellosislasts for months, inducing an intermittent fever and debilitating, flu-likesymptoms. In developing countries, where dairy products from diseased cattle,sheep and goats are consumed, thousands of cases of human brucellosis stilloccur."
In 2010, the Croatian Medical Journal published apaper, written by Yu and Nielsen, about their efforts to detect brucellabacteria.
The RCMP's investigation into Nielsen and Yu alsoinvolved the Public Health Agency of Canada and the Department of ForeignAffairs and International Trade.
"This complex investigation drew on resources from avariety of federal departments, law enforcement agencies and firstresponders," the RCMP media release said.
"The RCMP, in collaboration with their partners,were able to quickly and efficiently mobilize and respond to this threat whichhelped minimize the public’s risk of exposure to these contagioussubstances."
Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz said in a statement that"the CFIA continues to make security a priority and has fully co-operatedand assisted the RCMP in its investigation."
"As this matter is before the courts, we cannotcomment further," he said.
A former Canadian Food Inspection Agency employee hasbeen charged after he was allegedly arrested while trying to leave the countrywith dangerous pathogens.
Dr. Klaus Nielsen, 67, from Richmond, Ontario, wasscheduled to leave for China but was arrested on his way to the Ottawa airportlast Oct. 24, according to RCMP Sergeant Richard Rollings.
Nielson was found in possession of 17 vials of livebrucella bacteria, which can infect livestock and people, causing flu-likesymptoms that take weeks to treat. He has been charged with breach of trust andmultiple criminal offences related to transporting a human pathogen.
Nielsen is believed to be working with another formerCFIA employee — Wei Ling Yu, 48, from Ottawa. Yu is believed to be in China anda Canada-wide warrant has been issued for her.
The RCMP was first informed of Nielsenand Yu’s activity in March 2011 by the food inspection agency. “The two aresuspected of commercializing intellectual property, owned by the CFIA and aprivate company, for personal gain,” said Sgt. Rollings.
According to a Canadian Food Inspection Agency’s onlinearchive from 2003, Nielsen was a lead researcher in detecting brucella inlivestock.
He and his team received recognition for developing ahigh-speed test for brucella that does not require a laboratory.
“The technology itself is portable, powered by a laptop computer,and able to be loaded onto the back of a donkey if that is the best way toreach remote areas,” the food inspection agency’s website says.
“In Canada, the populations of Canadian cattle and farmedbison have been officially brucellosis-free since 1984. Nonetheless, areservoir of disease in Canadian wildlife means that Canada must regularlysurvey its cattle for brucellosis.”
U.S.-based Diachemix — described on its website as aleader in rapid diagnostic tests — agreed to license and manufacture the test.A company spokesperson said he could not comment on Nielsen’s arrest.
According to a paper on detecting brucella that Nielsenand Yu published in 2010, they worked out of the food inspection agency’sFallowfield laboratory in Nepean, Ontario.
Nielsen is next due in court on April 17 in Ottawa. |