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[蒙城-渥太华] 蒙特利尔渥太华 每周往返 Round trip every week

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发表于 2014-1-14 19:39 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
每周五从 Montreal->Ottawa, 3:00pm 离开 Montreal. Or, Saturday morning 10am.fficeffice" /><o:p></o>

每周日从 Ottawa->Montreal, 离开Ottawa下午或晚上, 任何时间都可以. 具体时间可来电商议. 周一早上6:40am离开也可。<o:p></o>
单程:$15       往返:$25<o:p></o>

可送到你处, 可提供住所/车如必要.<o:p></o>

请联系Betty <o:p></o>

Tel: 514-345-7900 ext 46699 (day time) OR514-225-6596 after 6pm<o:p></o>
Tel: 613-596-9834 <o:p></o>

Round trip every week Ottawa<->Montreal<o:p></o>
Single trip: $15<o:p></o>
Round trip25<o:p></o>

Every Friday from Montreal to Ottawa, will leave Montreal after 3pm.Again, the exact time could be discussed.<o:p></o>

Every Sunday from Ottawa to Montreal, leave Ottawa anytime in theafternoon or evening, which could accommodate your time required. However, nolater than Monday morning at 6:40am.<o:p></o>

Could drive you to anywhere in Ottawa. Room/car could be provided inOttawa if required.<o:p></o>
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