不过, 要到达这个公园, 比较有难度呀. 可能去不到呀
How to Get There
1. Air Access
The vast majority of visitors travel to the park by chartered floatplane. Virginia Falls and abbitkettle Lake are the only designated aircraft landing sites within Nahanni National Park Reserve. Virginia Falls is the only day-use landing site in the park. Park use permits are required for aircraft landings in the park. Permits are available from the park office.
Flights may be made to Virginia Falls for the day. These day trips do not require reservations or registration. However, the aircraft operator will require a park-use permit for landing.
Reservations are required for river trips in Nahanni. It is recommended that they be made well in advance due to popular demand. Contact the park office information. Registration through the park office is required prior to entering the park for a river trip. De-registration is mandatory upon your safe return.
People typically begin their river trips at one of four locations:
Average length of time most people take to complete their trip.
Virginia Falls 7-10 days
Rabbitkettle Lake 10-14 days
Island Lakes 14-18 days
The Mooseponds 21 days
People planning to charter a floatplane should ensure that the company they choose has a valid National Park business licence, and that the pilot is familiar with the region. Floatplanes may be chartered in many of the regional communities, including Fort Simpson, Fort Liard and Yellowknife in the Northwest Territories, Fort Nelson and Muncho Lake in British Columbia, and Watson Lake, Yukon.
Your group size, and the type and amount of gear you are bringing will determine the type of aircraft you need to charter. Air charter costs can vary significantly, and individual companies have different types of aircraft which may be more suited to your group's particular needs.
Click here for a list of licensed air charter operators.
2. Commercial Outfitters
Approximately 50% of the visitors to Nahanni National Park Reserve use the services of a commercial outfitter. Many companies advertize or promote canoe or whitewater raft trips on the South Nahanni River. Only three are currently licensed by Parks Canada. If you plan to use the services of a commercial outfitting company, your safety depends on choosing a recognized and legally licenced company. If you are aware of unlicensed companies promoting trips on the South Nahanni River, please inform the park office.
3. Overland Access
There are several ambitious and demanding overland routes. It is possible to reach the headwaters of the South Nahanni River at the Mooseponds by travelling overland across the continental divide from the Yukon. Some people also access the South Nahanni River by driving to the former mining town of Tungsten from Watson Lake in the Yukon. The road to Tungsten is not maintained on a regular basis, and is frequently impassable. When it is passable, a four-wheel drive vehicle is required to reach Tungsten. At Tungsten, travellers may choose either the Little Nahanni River or the Flat River to descend to the South Nahanni River. The Little Nahanni and Flat rivers each contain Class IV and Class V rapids. Only expert paddlers should consider travelling on these rivers. |