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[留学] 留学生转非全日制 学签过期不获工签

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发表于 2015-10-8 10:11 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本国移民律师李克伦(Richard Kurland)主编的最新一期《移民资讯汇编》中,列举一个具有警示性的重要案例。一名海外留学生在就学期间有一门功课不合格,因而不能按时毕业,他在随后一年以非全日制学生(Part-time student)身分,重修并成功通过取得文凭,但申请毕业工签(Post Gaduate Work Permit ,PGWP)时,因未能保持全职学生身分被拒。案件提醒留学生特别注意,加国移民部在审批毕业生转工签时,对于必须保持全职学生身分有严格要求。


  然而该学生的学习签证在2014年3月31日,即其最终毕业并取得文凭之前过期,他的访问居住签证(temporary resident status)也在同一天失效。该名学生在拿到毕业证后,于2014年7月1日向联邦移民部申请工作签证,同时申请恢复其居留签证,遭移民部拒绝。当事人在卡加利上诉,再被法官驳回。



  退一步讲即使当事人在申请工签时其学生签证依然有效,也不符合申请毕业后工签的要求,因为他在就学两年后,再有一年的时间是作为兼职学生(part-time studies)修读课程。这明显不符合移民部所制订的获得工签的指导原则,加国移民部对于申请工签有两个明确的资格规定,一是必须在加拿大全职学习,二是必须成功完成一个不少于8个月的学习课程。


  移民部在今年7月发出有关审批学生转工签的一些指导原则,指签证学生如果符合其他所要资格要求,仅在其最后一个学期(final academic session)没有保持全职学生的身分,他们仍有资格在毕业后申请工签。法官在判词中强调,这条指导原则恰恰表示除了这一明确规定的例外,其他非全职的学生不符合申请工签的资格,否则移民部也不必再特别单独列出这一项例外。



发表于 2015-10-9 08:56 | 只看该作者
Determine your eligibility — Work after graduation

To obtain a work permit after your graduation, you must meet the following requirements:

You must have studied full time in Canada and you must have completed a program of study that lasted at least eight months.
In addition, you must have graduated from:
a public post-secondary institution, such as a college, trade/technical school, university or CEGEP (in Quebec), or
a private post-secondary institution that operates under the same rules and regulations as public institutions, or
a private secondary or post-secondary institution (in Quebec) offering qualifying programs of 900 hours or longer leading to a diplôme d’études professionnelles (DEP) or an attestation de spécialisation professionnelle (ASP), or
a Canadian private institution authorized by provincial statute to confer degrees but only if you are enrolled in one of the programs of study leading to a degree as authorized by the province and not in all programs of study offered by the private institution.
You must apply for a work permit within 90 days of receiving written confirmation (for example, a transcript or an official letter) from your institution indicating that you have met the requirements for completing your academic program.
You must have completed and passed the program of study and received a notification that you are eligible to obtain your degree, diploma or certificate.
You must have a valid study permit when you apply for the work permit.
嘉力移民-细心服务客户,用心打造蒙城留学移民品牌。1440 Ste-Catherine West #404  Montréal QC Canada
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