425,boul, de maisonneuve ouest, 3 etage,montreal, h3a, 3g5
0 d: r7 L# b( ?! o$ xmetro place-des-arts, sortie of de bleury# W# A, {: y q$ x, o- y5 H/ \
f# e" _7 u) A7 |0 V9 n) b
" [. e, x) f1 V5 E q4 a* a2 }with passport, sin card(or other ID card as well, I'm not sure), lease or residential evidence, specialized picture(you can take picture there, I forgot the price, $5-10).
9 t L a. L2 T% X
; \4 j+ T5 }" M1 t$ B. QIf you meet the requirement, the process is very simple and the officers are very kind, you need not worry.:wink: |