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发表于 2003-6-23 02:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
各位前辈:/ x0 V' K$ P! B2 L
* E5 u) h4 W4 r我今年29,明年3月前我就得登陆加国。但现在家人让我考虑生完小孩再过去,因为如果在加生,不但没有工作或上学的时间,而且还拖累老公照顾,在现在没有强大经济后盾的情况下好象行不通。这样是否真的行不通?
8 u! T, r5 O2 {那我就只能3月短登,等小孩2-3岁再全家移民。不过那时年龄是否大了点?两人打工上学养孩子应该不太困难。! ]: h! {$ c3 X: c6 t, c8 |1 x
请有经验的移友给予指点帮助。我现在该怎么办?  frown
发表于 2003-6-23 06:04 | 只看该作者
My opinion to let your baby bear in Canada, not in China.
7 k8 ?" f; q) W' f6 {9 W2 b7 p* K& ~$ W7 b5 \$ L0 {" P- J
First, all the medical expenses covered by Medicare in Quebec; otherwise you and your baby have to wait for three months when you and your baby landed.
1 g2 Z- g3 a  r/ S7 r
0 Z3 I, ]( G- N% gThen even your family just have your husband to make income, your baby will have child benefit support by Federal & Provincial both government, your family also could apply low income financial support since you have a child; you may also apply for low income house too.
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发表于 2003-6-23 23:27 | 只看该作者
You really should come to Canada and bear the baby here. You will have the chioces to stay in Canada or go back to China together with your baby afterwards.
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 楼主| 发表于 2003-6-24 00:42 | 只看该作者
> 谢谢大家指点,那能否详细告之有关生在加国的利好,具体是多少津贴和补助?我只知道有150元的牛奶金。其他不很清楚。
) b/ s3 T# R7 p9 U; K! n: Q7 g, w> 能维持生活开销吗?% i7 {9 R) X" I- @( G$ w0 d3 O/ x
> 另我得在家带孩子2年包括生孩子的时间总共3年左右我都无所事事,还要有那么多开销,是否在中国可以便宜些呢?起码在中国还有老人可以照顾小孩,我还可以上班挣分。其实主要考虑小孩没人带,请保姆的费用还不如自己带。如果能让父母短期签证在加拿大就好了。& d+ P. r( u; Y; Y5 E3 C. g
> 您说对吗?
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发表于 2003-6-24 12:23 | 只看该作者
Why you guys always have your parents bring up the child? You are the parent, so you have the responsibility and right to bring up your child. Look the animals, they never leave their child to their parent, right? Child likes to stay with parent. And it is benificial to child's emotional and mental healths. Why you say that you can do nothing other than caring for the child? It is the most important task for parent to take care for child. If you can find a daycare, you can definitely studying or working at the same time. That is the life. It takes time and energy but you still get happiness with child. Not every thing can be calculated by money. $ }  j6 I. _+ d* y
By the way, you can apply for your parent to be here. But I think you'd better take care of your child by yourself.  
+ u- Q7 [7 L7 l1 r( [4 [" GGood luck.
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