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发表于 2001-9-6 00:10 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Hydro-Quebe无缘无故让我家停了整整一个星期的电。我在Montreal经历黑暗的同时也第一次亲身经历Quebec式的官僚作风。联想前段时间我向政府官员咨询一些创业政策时他对我的一些的忠告,它使我对在Montreal定居创业产生了一定程度的怀疑。8月24号Hydro-Quebe停了我家的电,开始我以为是房东这边的事,找到Janitor,她说是Hydro-Quebe停的电。我怎么也不相信,因为本人从未拖欠过Hydro-Quebec的电费。8月26号我开始打电话给Hydro-Quebe,Hydro-Quebe接到电话后说:你的电费已缴,我们没停你的电,找你房东去。我一再和他们解释,我们房东已找Electrician检查过了,Electrician说我的电表下有一Hydro-Quebe的Seal,肯定是Hydro-Quebe的责任。他们大多没听完就把我的电话转到另一个Hydro-Quebe部门,有时转机的时间长达20分钟到半小时。 现在我想起来转机时Hydro-Quebec所放的音乐还感到有些腻。8月27号晚两个Hydro-Quebe的Electrician在本人强烈要求下终于来到我的楼下,他们肯定看到了Hydro-Quebec的那个SEAL。然而一见面,他们就说我没缴钱,我很奇怪,他们来之前已经证实我没欠费,现在又一口咬定我没缴钱,这不太自相矛盾了吗?在我的Janitor和他们讲了几句法语后(我们的这位Janitor可能是房东嫡系人马,我朋友为我租房时就感到这家房东有点那个,平时她大多不上班,但缴房租的那几天除外), 此时这两位Electrician变得对我们很不屑,拒绝和我们解释任何东西。然后驾车扬长而去。当晚,本人连续打了7,8个电话给Hydro-Quebec,听声音还是那两位Electrician,我一再说明我从未欠费(他们几乎每个办公室随时都可查到用户信息),你们没有解决我的问题。一开始他们就象放录音一样说:“For bill service, please connect...,for ...service,please.."根本就不容我插半句解释。最后,两位Electrician变得非常不耐烦,要我仔细想想自己做过什么,威胁我当晚不要再打电话。此后几天我不断打电话给其他Hydro-Quebec的号码,直到8月30才碰上一位名叫Karen Slight的中年女士,据话音判断她是一位负责任的同志,也是我7天来碰到的唯一一位Hydro-Quebec负责任的职员,她与她的同事交涉大约半小时后给我回电说她发现了问题:Hydro-Quebec把42号Appartment当成32号,把电给掐了,因为42号欠费。此时是30号下午4点钟,离事发时整整有7天。直到晚上8点钟Hydro-Quebec才有一位Electrician过来,把封条揭了,我才得以重获光明。从始至终Hydro-Quebec没有任何人说一句Sorry那怕是无意间随口而出的。+ {! ~  ?: M: @% o
在停电的黑暗中饱受Hydro-Quebec蛮横的官僚作风的同时也感受到来自朋友,教会,华人服务中心的温暖与关心。谢谢!3 y* C. `; t. O% m
发表于 2001-9-6 00:23 | 只看该作者
2 X5 H2 @1 b1 r4 _( i免费法律援助:McGill Legal Information Clinic6 a0 t7 q) R9 p# t
3480 McTavish (McGill大学附近),电话:(514)398-6792,周一至周五9:00-17:00
WWW=Web Will Win
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发表于 2001-9-6 01:43 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2001-9-6 07:50 | 只看该作者
be strong and persistent to against these shit guys.some canadians really disregard our chinese just because of our color and accent.we chinese must appear to be strong and aggressive in this case or else we will lost our position in canada.
% X9 k$ J2 o+ \just severial days ago an black lady sued a landlord for discrimination because the landlord refused to rent apartment to her.finally the landlord had to pay the penalty of thousands dollar.
7 g" @% P, z' |: S' T9 |in some extends our chinese really like somewhat a stack of loose sand.our so-called community occupied by some people speaking cantonese and other strange dialect and they just appear to be quite busy and happy to collect money from government and new immigrants instead of claim righteousness for chinese.
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 楼主| 发表于 2001-9-6 08:22 | 只看该作者
Yes,in the accident, I detected obvious discrimination from the Police(at first, I thought it was my janitor who cut off my power supply, so I dialed 911), Hydro-Quebec staff. The attitude they treated us with is greatly different from that in everyday life, having a smile on the face, especially  when you can't speak french. But I never possess the idea that Frenchmen are superior to our Chinese. Never!!
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发表于 2001-9-6 10:53 | 只看该作者
http://www.hydroquebec.com/reach_us/plaintes/ " a2 Q+ s7 Q  r
this is the complain procedure posted by hydroquebec. see if you want to follow it or just go directly to court. * }  Q! M5 M$ r" Z8 S7 {0 m2 C
One suggestion for you. Due to the leagal system here in Quebec is quite different with anywhere else, so even if you push the discremenation case, you will only be compensated by actual damage. The punitive damage is limited to $4000 or so.
0 P; }) d5 j  I' G5 w3 e' L. ~) N. ^# \With that kind of money, you can't even afford a decent lawyer from the settlement. So if you want to win this case,  you might end up with winning but get any monetory benifit.* o  F" H# x) U& r( b9 S
Good luck!
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 楼主| 发表于 2001-11-25 16:55 | 只看该作者
I recieved responses from Hydro-Quebec last week after almost two months' continuous struggling. Hydro-Quebec can reimburse 300$ for my food lost in the accident althought I had reclaimed more than 1000$ for my material lost and required Hydro-Quebec appologize in written form. In their lastest letter they said " we are truly sorry about the inconvenience ......". They also told me their resolution to my file in telephone and I did not accept it that time because I thought 300$ was much less than my real lost in the accident. No matter what comes the result at last, I think I got success and I hope our Chinese be confident to use the law to get fair when hurt.
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发表于 2001-12-3 21:12 | 只看该作者
You are so good. Much encouragement for you! Also agree to what Cola said. ) e; s2 B( Q" A# Q: n3 w" m
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发表于 2001-12-4 11:42 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2001-12-4 15:38 | 只看该作者
Kamplin, you are so great!$ u' L1 R+ L; Y- s" @
Bravo! Fight for our rights!
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